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"You know. I f-failed that project because of you." "What do you mean? You clearly cheated off of me." I giggle as we sit outside of an ice cream parlor.

"Yeah, I thought you had all the r-right answers. Apparently n-not." He chuckles eating some more ice cream.

"Question. This might seem weird." "Go ahead." I think back to the two years prior.

"Okay, so the day I went to your house. You had your phone out as you were waiting for me. And you closed it really fast, right? We're you hiding anything?"

"No....oh wait. I t-think I was gonna a-ask you on a date." "For real?" "Yeah." He chuckles.

"'s Georgie?" "N-not sure. I haven't got to talk to him in a while." "Oh. Sorry about's your stutter?"

"It's got a-a lot better. Unless I'm-" "Stressed upset or mad." " remember?" "Of course. You were my best friend. Why wouldn't remember?" I giggle.

"It's been two years...heck I c-can't even remember what I wore yesterday half the time."

(Literally me I can never remember.)

He smiles looking down at his phone. "What did B-Ben say to you the other day?" "Something something you and me are all I heard." I smile.

"Let's c-call him." He lays his phone down on the table, looking through his contact I see my name.

Stan ✨🤍

I smile at it.

Bill: Ben.

Ben: Bill.

Bill: w-we have a question

Ben: go ahead...

B: what did you say the other day?

Ben: I don't know. Bye.

S: Ben?

Ben: fine...I'll text it to you. Good night.

He hangs up quickly.

"For him to be the nicest one out of all of us he gives me anxiety sometimes." Looking over again Bill his mouth is wide open, his brows furrowed.

"Don't be jealous." I shake my head, pushing his shoulder gently. We throw our trash away.

"I think M-Mike is the nicest." "You're in love with him aren't you? Ooh, Hanbrough." I tease.

"What t-the hell is Hanbrough? And no. He's a g-good friend." "It's your guy's ship name. Your last names put together."

He furrows his brows gently. "I don't like it very well, what's t-the other ones?" "Well, there's Reddie and Benverly and- well never mind." I chuckle.

"What i-is it? " "When we were 'together' ours was Stenbrough? Yeah, I think it was that." The fact that I used air quotations hurts me, a hurt look on his face spreads slightly.

"Well, it's better t-than Hanbrough." He chuckles.

We stand in front of his door, arguing over small things. "You cheated off of me?" "T-that's the only way I passed." "You suck." I chuckle. "Well...I'll see you later?" "S-sure...bye." He smiles opening his door.




B: you two kissed the other night...

S: oh...


I stare at the message, I notice a tear falling onto the screen.

The door opens quickly. I tilt my head at him my brows furrowed.

His hands cup my cheeks gently. Pulling our faces together we kiss.

His lips soft and smooth. I melt into the kiss.

—Bill's POV

I close the door gently, smiling that I finally got my best friend back.


"Fuck Ben. Not n-now." I mumble.


Ben 🌴

B🌴: you two kissed last night

B: shit...


Looking through the peephole Stanley stands staring at his phone. Wiping a tear away.

My heart starts to beat faster, I hear the sound in my ears. Everything goes silent except for my heartbeat.

Swinging the door open he looks at me in a confused manner.

Now or never.

Love at First Dare // Stenbrough Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora