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So I will be doing mass updates again, all within a few minutes of each other because it's easier for me to remember which story needs to be updated and that way, you all have to wait the same out of time on each story for me to upload it.

*Vivian's P.O.V*

I sat in the passenger seat quietly, still sulking over the punishment Coral had given me. She still hadn't take my stupid mitts off and I really wanted them off, my hands were getting all sweaty in them. I sighed in relief when we pulled into the driveway of my house and looked at her. "Take these off please," I said politely as she parked. She glanced at me and opened the glove box, pulling the keys out again. She unlocked them and pulled them off my hands. "Thank you," I said as I smiled softly.

"You may get out now pup," Coral told me. She reached over and opened the door. I unbuckled myself and climbed out, looking at her. "I'm coming," she laughed as she got out of the car with a smile on her face.

I ran to the door and waited for her to catch up to me before I opened it. "Mom," I called as I entered the house, heading straight for the stairs. "Is my room done? I want to see it," I stated. My mother appeared at the top of the steps and stared at me.

"First of all, inside voices Vivian. Second of all, yes it is done," she said making me clap my hands excitedly as I turned and stared at Coral hopefully. She nodded her head as she came over to me. I grabbed her hand and pulled her after me up the stairs, taking them two at a time. "Don't drag your friend," my mother scolded making me frown.

"Sorry Coral," I apologized and let go of her hand, looking down at the steps as I walked up at them. She grabbed my hand and interlaced her fingers.

"It's fine love, I know you're excited," she smiled. "We just can't run in case you slip and fall then you'll get ouchies,"  she told me as she held me close.

"Okay Coral," I nodded as we reached the top of the stairs. I gently tugged her with me as we headed to the room that would be my pet room. I smiled as I saw my name carved in cursive on the door and I slowly opened the door. My eyes widened and I stared at the room in awe. 

The first thing I noticed was the wall of the room. It was split down the middle so that one half looked like a jungle and the other half looked like a park. I smiled as I looked at the jungle side of the room first. My mother had gotten a bunch of fake tall grass and set it up close to the door on that side, clearly meant for me to hide in.

There was an intricately made cat tower that towered well over me, in fact it nearly touched the ceiling which was about eight feet above the ground. There were ladders that were hidden in the design of the wood which I liked because it left the wild feeling. The roots of the tree made a little tunnel area that had a padded laying area to sleep on. I stepped close to the cat tower, the ground turning soft and sinking slightly. I turned to look at Coral, seeing my mother standing in the doorway.

"It's so that you can jump off the tower safely, it goes farther then you can jump just so that I know you're safe," my mother explained.

"Okay, nice idea to keep the green the same on the floor here," I said as I walked across the soft floor which took me a couple of steps. It expanded to more then half the room diagonally and horizontally which I appreciated because who doesn't like soft floor. I stepped onto the grass like floor and smiled at the intoxicating smell that wafted up towards to me at each step. I smiled as I noticed the scratching pole that was against the wall and reached over, touching it. I practically purred at the rough feeling of it against my fingers before crossing over to the puppy side of the room.

The grass was smoother underneath my shoes which I knew mean it was probably softer. The puppy side of my room was park themed which I liked. In the far corner which is what I was in, there was a container of toys set on top of a cage that was slightly slanted at the back. I pressed the top button of the cage making part of the bottom container slide open and a few toys dropped in before closing.

"Cool," I whispered as I pressed the button underneath it making the cage door swing open. I smiled as I glanced at my mother who was watching me with a smile. Coral was staring at me too but her look seemed more, I don't filled. I wandered towards them, noticing all the playing equipment that was sort of like agility like. There was a seesaw that I could run up and down, a slanted board that I could climb up with the little bits of wood poking out for me to put my hands on, there was also a little tunnel that I could crawl through. 

There was also a pole that went all the way to the ceiling with a strong rope that held a ball on it. It could be unattached and swapped with a different ball. I smiled as I spun the ball around for a bit before looking at the part of the room closest to the door. It was a kennel that's bars had a leash wrapped all the way around each one. It made a rainbow of colors as each bar had a different colored leash.

"Check the doggy door," my mother said as she pointed behind me. I turned and walked towards the doggy door that had clearly been made for me and got down on my hands and knees, crawling through it. It led to a set of stairs that went all the way down to the garden, part of which had been fenced in as a play area. The stairs had an arch of wire that covered every part of it which meant that I had no chance of falling out. I crawled back through the doggy door and got up, running to my mother and hugging her.

"Thank you," I whispered as she rubbed my back, kissing the top of my head.

"You're welcome baby. I'm glad I got the chance to make this room for you," she stated as she rocked back and forth slightly while holding me.

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