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*Vivian's P.O.V*

When I had came to yesterday, I had been moved to a new room. I didn't think he would be stupid enough to keep me in the same place but he did kidnap me and he knew that would piss Coral off so I don't know if I would classify him as smart.

The room I was now in was much smaller. It now had no windows and was just concrete from floor to ceiling. There were no shelves or anything to line the wall so I wondered why this hadn't been his first choice to bring me.

I was now handcuffed to a metal pipe, my arms forced to be straight above my head because of the handcuffs being so high up. My left shoulder was pulsing in pain and I was having a hard time not passing out from it. I probably would have thrown up if I had any food in my system.

The door opened and I glared at Curtis, lifting my chin defiantly as I met his gaze. He seemed to have learned from his previous mistakes and had tied my legs to another pipe that was anchored into the wall. He was very lucky that he did that because with how close he got to me I would have had no problem with striking him in the balls.

"You know, I can't exactly be mad at your little friend from escaping. We're finally alone," he said as his hand moved to touch my face. I turned my head away quickly before he could touch me. "Don't be like that pet," he said.

"I'm not your pet," I retorted as my ring finger twitched, the engagement ring that Coral had given me being the only thing that I had of hers at the moment. He had taken my collar and had even changed my clothes while I was unconscious. I shivered at the thought of him seeing me so vulnerable, I was only comfortable with Coral seeing me like that.

"But you are. It's destiny, my heart tells me so," he said as he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. I met his gaze, refusing to let how scared I was show in my face. I would not give him the satisfaction of letting him see my fear.

"Your heart is about as crazy as you are then," I responded simply.

"I knew from the moment that I saw you that you were mine. My family tries to take everything away from me, they even took my little away," he said.

"They didn't take anyone away from you, you're just an abusive asshole and everyone knows it," I retorted. I had dug up some articles from when it had happened and it had been a pretty big scandal. No one ever imagined that a member of the royal family, a family known for their mixture of caregivers and regressors, would ever have an abuser in their midst.

"I didn't abuse them," Curtis said as met my gaze. His brown eyes flashed angrily as he pressed me even farther against the wall. "They lied about that, the school lied about that to make me look bad," he said.

"Considering you have hit me in the face several times as well as chained me against the wall I'm inclined to believe the people that you are an abuser," I said simply as I rolled my eyes. He seemed to get even angrier at my words but was cut off by the sound of a loud banging sound.

"What the fuck was that?" he asked as he turned around. Whatever he was going to say was cut off by the door being kicked open. His grip tightened on me for a second as he stared at the man in the doorway holding a gun aimed at him.

"Put your hands up Curtis," the man ordered as he kept the gun aimed at Curtis.

"Why would I do that?" Curtis asked as he kept his hand on me, carefully caressing my face.

"Because I don't have a problem with putting a bullet through your head," the man said simply as his finger rested on the trigger.

"Aren't you worried about hitting her?" Curtis asked as he looked at me with a small smirk.

"Not really, I am very sure of my aim," the man responded. "Do you want to see how sure I am of it?" he asked. Curtis seemed to hesitate for a moment before he slowly pulled his hands away from me. He held them up as the man kept the gun steady. "Now approach me, slowly," the man ordered.

"This isn't over," Curtis promised me as he approached the man slowly. As soon as he was close enough, another man entered the room and grabbed him before he could move away. He was restrained quickly before the man approached me.

"Are you alright?" he asked as he looked at the handcuffs that were restraining me.

"Do I look alright?" I retorted as I rolled my eyes. He chuckled softly as he turned his head to the door.

"Someone look for handcuff keys or get me something to cut them open, now," he ordered. No one seemed to be able to find a handcuff key but someone finally came in with a pair of bolt cutters. They seemed to easily snap the chain of the handcuffs and I let out a sigh of relief as my hands fell down.

The man was cutting the chains of the handcuffs around my legs when someone barged into the room. I tensed in surprise when Coral threw herself at me, her arms wrapping around me as she pressed her face against my shoulder.

"Vivian," she whispered. I managed to hug her back with my right arm and let it sink in that I was safe before I broke down, hot tears streaming down my face.

"How'd you find me?" I whispered as she scooped me up, her entire body shaking with relief.

"Tracking device in your engagement ring, it could only give us a hundred mile radius so we've been searching for you as hard as we could," she murmured as she carried me out of the room.

"Coral?" I asked softly as she looked down at me.

"Yes my love?" she responded.

"Never let me meet one of your crazy family members again," I whispered as I rested my head on her shoulder, hearing her chuckle softly.

I want to get at least 40 votes and 15 comments before I'll publish the next part please.

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