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*Vivian's P.O.V*

I woke up to the feeling of lips on my cheek. It took me a moment to remember where I was at and I opened my eyes to stare at Coral. I huffed and turned over, pushing her away with my leg as I rolled across the bed. I yelped as I fell off the bed, hitting the ground with a thud.

"Are you okay?" Coral asked as she peered down at me from where she was sitting on the bed. I stuck my tongue out at her as she tried to reach down and touch my face. I rolled under the bed, wedging myself underneath there. I laid in the darkness for a moment until I felt a hand touch my back.

"Go 'way Coral," I said as I tried to squirm under the bed even more. I whined softly when I felt her hand leave my back. I didn't mean for her to actually go away, I was only kidding. I turned over and noticed that she was laying beside her bed, looking at me with a small smile. I scooted out from under the bed to cuddle up to her.

"How are you feeling today, pet?" she asked as I felt her fingers tangle in my hair. I leaned into her touch with a soft groan as she kissed my lips gently. I parted my lips and allowed her to kiss me for as long as she wanted, whining when she pulled away to breathe.

"I was tired but I'm feeling much more invigorated after that kiss," I laughed as I sat up, stretching out slightly with a small groan. I stood up after a moment and Coral followed my example. I watched as she stretched out, noticing how her muscles looked since she had slept in only a bra and her panties.

"Like what you see?" she teased when she turned and caught me staring at her. My cheeks darkened in a blush and I headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I had already laid my clothes out and put them in the bathroom last night. I shut the door, stripping out of my pajamas before putting my bra on. I hated the fact that I had to wear one today but I had to since we were going out in public.

I dressed in a crop top that showed my midriff quite nicely and a pair of dark ripped jeans. I brushed my hair back but left it down, using a headband to keep it out of my face. I left the bathroom after brushing my teeth, looking at Coral who had gotten dressed in the bedroom. She was wearing a pair of leggings and a dark red dress that went past her butt.

"Won't today be fun?" Coral asked sarcastically, making me giggle. Today we would be telling our parents that we were engaged but first we would be picking out our rings and deciding on a wedding cake flavor.

"Of course it will be," I agreed as I pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. "You could at least pretend to be excited to tell our parents about us," I laughed as I went to put my socks on before putting on my black boots.

"I just know they're going to be asking a bunch of questions and I would prefer it if they didn't," Coral sighed as she put her heels on. I nodded in understanding as I stood up, walking over to her. She looked down at me as I pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

"To be fair we haven't been together for that long," I pointed out as I rested my head on her chest.

"I know but I couldn't imagine my life without you," Coral said as she kissed the top of my head.

"I know, I couldn't imagine my life without you either," I said as I closed my eyes and just allowed her to hold me close. I finally pulled away and looked up at her. "Let's go look at our rings," I said, which earned a small laugh from her. Coral knew how much I loved jewelry, it was one of my favorite things to look at. It's why she had gotten me an ankle bracelet with my name on it after Curtis had cut my collar that one day. She knew how deeply that affected me and after replacing my collar, she had given me some jewelry to show how much she loved me.

"Let's go then," she said as she wrapped her arm around my waist and we left the bedroom.

We spent much of the morning deciding on what our rings should look like. I wanted something simple and she wanted something flashy. I think she just wanted another way to show everyone that I was hers and to rub in their faces how much she loved me. We eventually decided on an infinity symbol with our birthstones in each shape of the infinity sign. It had some gems on the infinity symbol so it was a compromise of both of our styles.

Compared to ring shopping it was much easier to pick a wedding cake flavor. I liked red velvet and she liked vanilla. Apparently vanilla cake was the only vanilla thing about her. I just agreed on vanilla as long as I got one tier of red velvet, even if it was the smallest tier on the cake. Cora had said we could have alternate tiers of flavors but I kind of liked the idea of only having one tier of red velvet.

Now we were heading to lunch with both of our parents. I was honestly dreading their reaction to our engagement. They would be supportive, they always were but they were all extremely protective. I could also understand that they might have their reservations since we hadn't been together for years before we decided to get married.

Coral and I were the first ones to get to the restaurant, waiting for our parents with bated breaths. Coral's hand was currently resting on my thigh when my parents arrived. I greeted them with a small smile. It took another ten minutes before Coral's parents showed up. They had only just sat down when there was a big commotion outside before the entire building shook with the sound of an explosion nearby.

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