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*Vivian's P.O.V*

"Well that wasn't very nice," the woman said as she touched the scratch marks I had left across her face. I hissed at her and backed away slowly while eyeing her. She held her hand out and I attacked it, hissing and biting her fingers. She sat there, letting me do it until I got bored. "You done?" She asked as I let go.

I circled her slowly, her eyes following me. I sniffed at her and smiled since her perfume smelled quite nice so I hesitantly approached her, letting her scratch underneath my chin.

"So now you like me?" She asked as I purred and leaned against her. "Well I don't know if I should like you after you tortured my poor hand," she teased making me look at her hand. I couldn't believe it but I had drawn blood with how hard I had scratched and bit her.

I meowed softly and rested my head in her hand. "Well now that I've met your kitten side, can I meet your puppy side?" She asked. I shrugged as I just sat there, wondering how she expected me to know what her dumb self wanted.

"By the way, I'm Coral," she said as she got up and headed towards the more puppy themed side of the room. She picked up a ball which immediately caught my interest and I stared at it, feeling my kittenspace start to flicker away.

"Want this ball?" Coral asked as she as she walked over and waved the ball in front of my face. My eyes lit up and I felt myself slip into puppyspace. I tried to bite the ball only for her to pull it away. I whined and barked at her as I tried to get the ball by jumping on her.

"Ah! Stay down," she ordered as she nudged me back making me whine and sit down with a frown. She rolled the ball across the floor and I chased it, picking it up and bringing it back. When she reached to grab it, I danced back with a smile. "I need the ball if you want me to roll it," she said going to grab it again.

I pranced back and whined when I bumped into something. I looked up to see my mother and I barked happily as I jumped up on her. "Down," she ordered making me drop down immediately. She looked behind me to look at Coral and opened her mouth to say something before nodding and closing her mouth.

"Who are you?" Coral asked making me turn to look at her. I pressed against my mother's legs protectively and watched her.

"I'm Layla, her mother," my mother replied as she leaned down and scratched my back making me wriggle happily. "Who are you?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm Coral," Coral responded evenly as she looked at me. "What's her name?" She questioned.

"Vivian," my mother responded making me look at her and drop my ball. She picked it up and threw it making me run after it. I picked it up and turned to see my mother and Coral talking. "Vivian did you hurt this poor lady?" She asked making me look down and whimper.

"Oh it wasn't her fault, her kittenspace just didn't like a stranger being around all the sudden," Coral said as she waved her hand dismissively.

"It's still not okay," my mother said as she frowned at me. I whined and dropped the ball down, going to the cage and laying in it as soft cries escaped me.

Why was she upset? It was kitten me that had done it, not puppy me. I felt a hand rub my back all of a sudden and I looked up to see Coral. "You're not in trouble sweetheart. It was kitten you who attacked me, not puppy you. Plus it must have frightened kitten you to look up and suddenly see someone," she cooed. She coaxed me out and I crawled onto her lap, licking her cheek making her giggle softly.

"Sweet girl," my mother cooed but I was to busy with Coral. She rubbed my belly which made me flop onto my back and sprawl out. I bit one of her long flowy sleeves and guided it to my side. She scratched my side making me bark happily as I squirmed.

"I think she likes me," Coral laughed as she rubbed my belly in small circles. I looked at my mother as I smiled and nuzzled into Coral with a few happy noises escaping me.

"I think she likes you too," my mother sais as she walked over to me. I growled when she tried to pick me up.

"Mine," I said sternly as I clung to Coral. "Mine, mine, mine," I stated repeatedly as I hid into Coral.

"Easy pup," Coral told me as she rocked back and forth while holding me. "You need to go back to your mother, I have to go," she told me making me let out a soft whimper as I looked down. I liked her so I should be able to keep her! "Don't be sad pup, I'll give your mother my number and maybe we could get to know each other," she told me making me sigh and nod.

"Now let the nice lady up Vivian," my mother said as she went to pick me up. I licked Coral's cheek gently and nuzzled into her as a goodbye as my mother picked me up.

Coral got up and gave my mother a little card before petting me goodbye. "We'll see each other again soon," she promised as she kissed my forehead before leaving. I whined and looked after her as I laid my head on my mother's shoulder.

"Oh I know darling, you just want to stay with your new friend," she cooed as I whimpered softly. "Don't be sad baby, I know you miss your nice new friend but mama promises you'll get plenty of more chances to play with her," she cooed as I buried my face into her neck with louder whimpers, still sad over Coral's departure.

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