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*Vivian's P.O.V*

I frowned when I felt something shift inside me and figured I was going into puppy space. I pouted when I realized I had just slipped out of kittenspace and was no longer in either space, feeling upset now that I wasn't in either of my pet spaces.

"What's wrong darling?" My mother asked as she looked at my hand to make sure that she had bandaged it tight enough that it would stay together and keep my hand from moving but also loose enough that it wasn't hurting me.

"I'm out of my spaces," I muttered making her nod. I winced when she applied some pressure to my hand and pushed her hand away. I knew that my hand would heal with some time and me not using it but it also meant I would need some help doing things because my dominant hand was injured.

"Oh I'm sorry baby," she said as she let go of my hand. "You seemed to really enjoy being in them," she stated. 

"Yeah, I did enjoy being in them," I smiled softly. "We should get back downstairs," I said making her nod and agree. 

"Yeah, it would be rude to keep you hid up in your room all day," she said as she smiled softly and made me go first.

"I don't know why I always have to go first," I muttered making her laugh.

"Because I'm your mother and can tell you what to do," she stated while rolling her eyes. I skipped down the steps, taking them two at a time which seemed to make her worry. "Don't do that, you could fall," she stated with a frown.

"I'll be fine," I rolled my eyes and cartwheeled the rest of the way down the stairs. I paused at the bottom to catch my breath also to give my hand a break and looked around to realize that everyone in my family was giving me a look. It wasn't like a good look but rather a withering look like I had messed up somehow. It took a minute to realize that not listening to my mother was the reason I was getting this look. I felt myself shrink back, a part of me wanting to come out and play again.

"Next time, listen to me," my mother said as she stepped off the last step and looked at me. "Or else you'll find yourself in big trouble," she whispered in my ear. She moved to walk away until I grabbed her arm making her look at me. Her eyes softened as she studied me before she pulled me close. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Don't like the looks everyone is giving me. Make me feel bad, really bad," I muttered making her sigh and nod. 

"I understand," she said as she played with my hair. "Tell me, do you feel like slipping again huh? Is that why their looks upset you so much?" she asked.

"Yeah, I wanna be puppy again but with everyones mean looks I know puppy me will be sad cause they probably won't want to play," I said softly. 

"I'll explain to them what's going on. You go on outside and try and slip," she said as she sent me towards the garden door. I nodded and walked to it slowly, I went fast going outside rather happily as I looked around. I sniffed the air and walked around for a bit before getting down on my hands and knees. I tried to focus on what it felt like when I was in puppyspace and took a deep breath. It took a bit but I managed to get into my puppyspace.

I looked around and grinned with a small smile as I started to explore the garden. I frowned when I looked back and saw that was wearing shoes and just pushed my heels against  each other until they came off. I growled at the socks and managed to get them off by rubbing my feet on the ground and hooking them on rocks. I grinned once I was free and happily roamed around, if I had a tail it would be wagging.

I crawled through the bushes and flowers, getting covered in dirt. I even rolled in the dirt to make sure that I got thoroughly coated in the dirt. Oh it felt so good to get dirty and not to be stuck clean. I growled and bit a leaf off with a small gag as I spit it out. It was a bad leaf, I thought it would taste good but it was so yuck. I hated the leaves now and let them know by biting them which was terrible idea. I spit out the leaves and crawled up the stairs, dirt falling off of me as I moved.

I grinned when I saw the guard that was standing there. My parents had a few guards for the important places and the garden was very important since it had rare flowers that were in the greenhouses. I pranced up to the guard and tried to get her to pet me, frowning when she completely ignored anything I did.

I whimpered and pushed at her leg with a small frown. Didn't she understand that I was a good pup and that I need to be pet? Was she broken? I whimpered again and tried to rub against her, yelping when she kicked me away. I crawled away as small whimpers bubbled through me as I made my way down the stairs carefully. I crawled underneath the stairs and hid in the shade, small cries escaping me. She was mean! I didn't like her, I wanted to bite her hard.

I lay there as I whimpered softly, my head resting in the dirt. What had I done to be kicked so hard? Had I been a bad pup? All I had wanted was to be pet and I didn't know how to show that so she kicked me and now I was sad. Is this how all people were going to be when I tried to get pet because I was bad earlier when I did the cartwheel down the stairs? If this is how people were gonna be to me, I don't think I like people.

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