
"Don't take them. I am not done staring at their adorable faces," he whined.

"Did you stay up all night?"

"Guilty as charged." Wow his dedication was a little extra than i thought. Who could blame him? They were his daughters anyway. My heart flipped at the thought.

"I still need to change them besides you need to take a shower," I said ushering at his sweats attire.

"Freya helped with that but i did most of the changing. I already took a shower ages ago."

"You are going in sweats?" My eyes widened.

"Yeah, it's going to be a short haul flight of about five hours i might as well try something new since I'm a father now," he chuckled. I felt kind of sad because i was just so used to seeing him in suits that i had never pictured him in anything else.

"The change i am loving is the well kept stubble on your face," I said stroking the area.

"Don't be too bummed love. My usual attire will resume tomorrow," he said sensing my sadness. A smile took over my features as i raised my neck higher and he laughed at my expense. My alarm buzzed off and i knew that we had only an hour and a half before we got to the airport.

"We need to start getting ready if we want to get to Toronto Pearson International on time. You will have all the time you want with Enza and Mel." I stood to receive the call from my grumbling stomach and head to the kitchen.

"Well i am ready. I don't really have anything to pack since most of my stuff is back home and judging from your lack of suitcases you had the same thoughts too well except for the duffel bag," he stood carefully with the kids in hand and only after placing them in their carrier did he reach for the duffel bag. "What's in there?"

"Nothing just a couple of baby stuff nothing more." I rushed to grab the bag before he did. He seemed puzzled by my actions and a brow raise from him confirmed exactly that. I knew he was not letting me off the hook that easily so i shrugged deciding to be honest.

"I have a surprise for you."

"Which is?" His grey orbs searched mine with dire anticipation.

"I'll give it to you in the plane." He pouted and the little action almost made me give in. Almost.

"Stop pouting. I said I'll give it to you once we settle in the plane." Standing my ground while he pouted was quite an achievement.

"Why not now?"

"Because i said so."


"I mean it Jésus Blake. I'm going to leave this room and you are not going to touch that bag. Is that clear?"

"I love it when you are bossy," he giggled. My lips pressed together forming a hard line trying to keep a straight face.

"Fine fine. I'm not going to touch it Aramina," he waved his hands in the air and the use of my official name clarified his seriousness on the matter.

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