"I am starting to feel grateful to the guy who nailed you last night," I said glancing at her crimson coloured cheeks.

"Damon!" She exclaimed punching me playfully then added, "Please don't talk about my sex life. You are my brother so it is weird."

"Sorry for stating the obvious," I chuckled as i reached for the radio and turned it on. We sang along to the lyrics of the songs that came on until we arrived at the familiar building. We took our time in walking in as my sister received warm acknowledgements from everyone around us all the way to our offices. We got an alert for a meeting seconds later and headed there together. I had to admit it felt great to work and have my sister with me.

"Ah, Miss Cole it's good to have you back," welcomed Heather as she stood to lead the meeting.

"It's good to be back and actually it's Mrs Mendoza," she said proudly. What?

"Excuse me?" I stared at her and saying that i was utterly shocked was the understatement of the year.

"Oh you heard me right," she said to me then smiled at the rest of the shareholders. Okay something was totally going on with her. She was kind of starting to freak me out a little.

Heather looked confused and seeing as we were running out if time i cleared my throat. The air in the place was becoming thicker and i was not willing to deal with the awkward silence that followed. "Umm, okay Mrs Mendoza it's good to see you."

The satisfactory look on my dear sister's face was really crazy. The whole time Heather spoke i was kind of fazed out and lost in my web of thoughts. Was my sister really going crazy? We could be taking this really lightly and this denial of hers could get worse. First she becomes a shell of a person and makes us swear never to mention Blake or anything about him yet now she was calling herself Mrs Mendoza? I needed to get through to her and make her seriously see the therapist because this was getting out of hand. The next thing i heard was the sound of chairs being pushed back as they rose when the meeting was adjourned. I shook my head and came back to reality just in time for my sister's question.

"When were you going to tell me about the Masquerade?" She asked one hand on her hip.

"I'm sorry i totally forgot to tell you about it. I did not even think you would want to come," I shrugged.

"It's a masquerade ball Damon of course I'd want to come"

"What the hell was that?"

"What the hell was what?"

"The whole 'Mrs Mendoza thing'?" I asked confusion clearly etched on my face.

"What would you like me to say about it? I am Mrs Mendoza. It's time i finally acknowledged my name," she said staring at her rings. Don't even get me started on how she had still been wearing them even after repeatedly telling us not to remind her about Blake. She was stubborn and i knew it the day i met her.

"I thought you were going to stick to father's name"

"I am but i am married. You on the other hand can stick to it. Plus, it's not as if i have completely abandoned it because my children bear the name."

"I think you need professional help," I said rising from my seat. All this was more than weird to me.

She looked at me with disbelief etched on her face. "You seriously think that i am crazy?"

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