C~33: A Thousand Years

Start from the beginning

"For better or for worse." echoes Bella.

Flowers cascading a bride and a groom.

"For richer, for poorer."

A forest hiding them from the rest of the earth.

"ln sickness and in health."

For only but a few chosen to witness love in it's finest hour.

"To love. To cherish. As long as we both shall live."

Bella's grip tightens around Edward's hand as they speak the two most binding words in life.

"I do."

Edward holds her tight, and Bella lays her hands on his chest, turning her head to the side, pressing his lips in her tight embrace. Everyone stands and claps to their union, one of love and trust.

Could I ever have that? A beautiful wedding like this, friends to watch me declare my love for the man in my life? It's not a wish but more food for thought. Alice made marriage sound so sure, nothing was convinced in my life. It seems like every corner I turn; lately, someones been trying to kill Bella or me.

Now that I'm not running, it feels weird trying to find something to do.

But forget that, soon the real party started and everyone started having fun congratulating everyone. As everyone was talking, Seth and I went to go get Sue, Charlie, and Billy drinks.

By the drinks table was a woman with blonde hair, she seemed to glare at Seth and me as we returned for our own drinks "Irina." states a very southern voice. I grin, turning to Jasper as he slips an arm around my waist, leading us over to sit at our table.

"Why did she give Seth that look and me."

"She's not too fond of...wolves." he starts clearly, giving off the feeling of not wanting to go into it. Jasper looks me up and down before leaning over, kissing my cheek and whispering into my ear, "You look divine."

"Really?...well, if you like it, the dress is growing on me," I state. We chuckle as Emmett heads up and taps the mic, drink in hand "Excuse me. Is this on? Hello? Umm, I'd like to propose a toast to my new sister. Bella, I hope you've gotten enough sleep these last 18 years. 'Cause you won't be getting any more for a while."

He laughs, and everyone looks at him awkwardly. Nice going Emmett, but he was only the first in a train wreck of speeches.

Jess gives her toast with a hint of irony.

Then Charlie's death threat.

Alice's fashion crit.

Renee's singing.

Esme who was fine

And Edward, "It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone you can bare your soul to. And who will accept you for what you are." he starts, I feel Jaspers hand grip mine as Edward goes on "I've been waiting, what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. And with Bella, I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever." he finishes causing everyone to clap.

Everyone then turns to me, oh great, I sigh standing and walking over to the mic, looking out over the sea of people I found a bit of confidence "Toast aren't my thing so I'll keep this short. Bella, I love you, Edward, you're great." I start raising a laugh out of everyone.

"No, really, before meeting the happy couple, I was moving around...a lot. Bella, you were the first person I felt like I could hang out with, and you opened my eyes to a whole new world. Edward, you and your family, have become my family...So I'd like to call the bride and the groom up for the first dance and my gift to you." I finish.

Hayden pulls up a stool behind me, holding an acoustic guitar while I strap a nude mic pack to my dress. Everyone stood around the dance floor as Bella and Edward faced me from the middle of it.

I softly smile at them "Heart beats fast.

Colors and promises.

How to be brave.

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall." I sing as the couple starts dancing, "But watching you stand alone.

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer!

I have died everyday, waiting for you!

Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years!

I'll love you for a thousand more!" I sing Carlise and Esme join in smirking at our inside joke. Then Rosalie and Emmett tag along "Time stands still.

Beauty in all she is.

I will be brave.

I will not let anything take away.

What's standing in front of me.

Every breath, every hour has come to this." I sing and stare as Jasper breaks through an offers a hand out of me. I sing, taking it, stepping down from the stage, "One step closer."

He secures his arm around my waist and holds my hand while I grip his shoulder, giving the nod we start stepping in time with the others "I have died everyday, waiting for you!

Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years!

I'll love you for a thousand more!"

Jasper lets go and spins me before pulling me back into his arms "And all along I believed, I would find you!

Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years!

I'll love you for a thousand more!

One step closer." I sing looping my arms around Jasper's neck, he holds my waist in both his arms the space between us becoming nonexistent "One step closer."

Maybe marriage wasn't entirely out of mind, as long as it was with Jasper. I loved him so much, his accent, smile, his eyes, his scars. I bite my lip counting, "I have died everyday, waiting for you.

Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years.

I'll love you for a thousand more." I sing, Jasper laughs and lifts me into the air spinning me around, by this point a lot were dancing so no one paid attention to us in our own world "And all along I believed, I would find you!

Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years!

I'll love you for a thousand more!" dragging the last note out, I fold my arms under Jaspers hugging him close, feeling his face dip down into my hair "I love you." he whispers kissing my head.

I hum closing my eyes, this feeling he gave me it was only one he could provide "I love you too."

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