"Borrowed" move! Lions barrage! Chapter 27

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Hinata Hyūga vs Kin Tsuchi

           I look over at Hinata, and went over to her. "Hina-chan, come here for a sec." I say. She went over to me, as I lean to her ear. "That sound ninja uses bells... if you hear her bells you'll hallucinate. She uses senbon, so it's better if you initiate hand to hand battle." I say. She nods, then went down to the battle area.

||—||—||—||—||—||—|| 3rd person POV ||—||—||—||—||—||—||

Kin and Hinata stood there in the battlefield.

      "Ha! This'll be easy...." Kin says, in a mocking tone. This made Haruka extremely angry, so much that you could almost see steam coming out of her ears.

       "Hey! Don't dare underestimate a leaf shinobi! Especially Hinata! You motherf- mmh! Phmm!" She gets cut off by Kiba covering her mouth.

        "Don't say that." He says. "Mhp! Mmm!!!" Haruka flails angrily. Despite Haruka almost using vulgar language, Hinata smiled feeling encouraged.

          'Thank you.... Haru-chan.....' She thought, then turned her gaze towards her opponent. Ignoring the fuming kunoichi, Hayate steps forward.

           "Fourth battle.... Hinata Hyūga vs Kin Tsuchi.... begin." Hayate says. Hinata immediately jumps forward whilst activating her Byakugan, as Kin takes out her senbon. "Gentle fist!" Hinata yelled, aiming her attack before Kin could do anything. Kin dropped her senbon, then jumped away. Hinata followed her.

           "Woohooo!!! Go Hina-chan!!! You got this!!!! Wooo!!!" Haruka cheered as soon as Kiba deemed her language safe. He sighed while sweat dropping.

          'How'd she go from "I will murder you" to this in a matter of seconds....? Man, you're a handful.....' Kiba thought, as he watch the girl cheer for her best friend. ^o^ 'Still adorable though...' He thought. Eventually he turned his gaze towards the battle going on. Hinata was able to block Kin's chakra, and knocked her out. Hayate went over to Kin.

      "The winner of the fourth match.... Hinata Hyūga." He announces. "Wooo!!! You did it Hina!!!!" Haruka yelled, then threw herself off the railing.

      "Ah! Haruka!" Kiba yells. She landed on her feet and ran over to Hinata. "You did it! You did it! That was amazing Hina chan!!!!" She squealed while hugging her. Everyone who personally knows Haruka, sweat dropped at her antics. 'Of course she threw herself off the railing.....' Kiba thought sweat dropping.

      "H-Haru... chan... I-I c-can't breathe...." Hinata says. "Whoops sorry..." She says, loosening her grip on her. 'I'm just glad you didn't fight Neji this timeline.... you didn't get hurt......" Haruka thought. The medic came and collected Kin, so the two kunoichi went up the stairs.

||—||—||—||—||—||—|| Haruka POV ||—||—||—||—||—||—||

     "Wow Hinata-chan! That was amazing!" Naruto yelled. "O-Oh uh... t-thank you N-Naruto kun...." Hinata says shyly. 'Picture time.' I thought, snapping a pic. Content with the picture I took, I went back to Keim and Nao sensei. Looking back at the screen, the names started to mix. 'Come on... Me this time.....' I thought. Then.... it landed on two names.

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