Bell hunt, Chapter 9

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                    After everyone went, Kakashi Sensei speaks up. "Okay, so tomorrow team 7 will have a training exercise." "What kind of training exercise!?" Asked Naruto. "A survival exercise." "But we did that in the academy!" "Trust me, it will be much harder." Sensei says. He then proceeds to look at Nao Sensei, seemingly waiting for him to do something. Nao sensei notices this and turns his head.

                   "Huh?" He says. Kakashi Sensei sighed. "What?" Nao sensei asked cluelessly. Kakashi Sensei clears his throat, and then speaks. "Your turn." He simply says. "...." Nao thinks for a second. "Oh! Right!" Me and the rookie 11 sweat drop. "Team 9 will be accompanying team 7 in their training." He says. My team and I glances at each other, then to team 7, then back to the Sensei's. 

                  I zone out for the rest. (A/N: Why? Because I'm too lazy to make up some weird training test thingy) Then Sensei dismisses us. "Oh, by the way. Team 7, Team 9, for the training tomorrow, don't eat breakfast. Or you'll— " I cut Kakashi off by saying. "Or we'll puke?" I ask, knowing the answer already and wanting to look cool. Which was a success, because everyone looked at me in awe (you already know that some didn't, *cough* *cough* duckbutt. *cough* *cough*) when Kakashi nodded. "Yes, so don't eat." He says. 

Time skip

              I wake up early, I went to Dad-kashi's room and see that he's sleeping. I use the body flicker technique to get to a food stand. 'No eating or you'll puke? Pfftt.. I already know that you'd be late because one, I know you well, and two, I watched you be late.' I thought as I order food. After quickly finishing my food, I use body flicker again, to get to the training grounds.   

                I hear the birds chirp. It was still very early, the sun had a soft glow. I see my team and team 7 sitting tiredly. Minus Sasuke. I jump down from the tree I was in and made myself known. "Yo." I say. Naruto snapped out of his sleepy state.

                "What do you mean yo!? You could have told us that he'd be late!" He yelled. I shrugged. "Eh, I didn't feel like it. Plus, it's a drag." I say. "You're sounding a lot like a certain someone." Naruto grumbles.

             "Morning everyone." Kakashi and Nao came out of nowhere. "YOU'RE BOTH LATE!!!!" Keim, Naruto, and Sakura yelled. "Well, a black cat crossed our path and we had to take the long way." He says. "LIAR!!!!" The three yelled, while me, duckbutt, and Somi remained quiet. 

              "Uh.. why don't we get started? Kay?" Says Nao Sensei. "Good idea." Kakashi says and sets a clock down. "There we go. It's set for noon." He says. He turns to us and takes out two bells. "Your assignment is very simple, you just have to take these bells from me. As for team 9, you have to take the bells from Nao. If you can't get the bells by noon, you go with out lunch." Naruto gave a surprised "ehh?" Kakashi continued. "You'll be tied to one of those post while I eat my lunch in front of you." He points to the mentioned post. Nao Sensei takes his two bells out.

               "Wait a minute there are three of us in a team, why are there only two for each?" Asks Sakura. "That's so there would be at least one of you tied to a post, and be sent back to the academy." Kakashi says with a closed eyed smile. I sweat drop. "Then again, all of you could screw this up. You can use any weapons including shuriken. If you're not prepared to kill me, you won't get the bells." He finished. "Those weapons are too dangerous Sensei!" Says Sakura. 'Well no duh, they're ment to kill people.' I thought. "What do you expect Sakura? We're ninja, we're trained to kill." I say. "Yeah, but still." She says.

              "Haha! Yeah especially since he couldn't even dodge that eraser!" Laughs Naruto. "Class clowns are usually the weakest link, they can safely be ignored. Lowest scores, losers." Kakashi says. Naruto pulled out a Kunai, and charges him.

DISCONTINUED Time to be a great Shinobi! (Stuck in Narutoverse) (KibaxOc)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя