Azalea, chapter 35

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(A/n: lmao I forgot that Lee didn't fight Gaara in this book! I wasted a whole damn minute writing about the part when he was in the hospital.)

        Opening my eyes, I quickly got out of bed. My usual daily routine and stuff. Yada yada. Walking to the kitchen, Kakashi was already there. Reading his book as usual.

       "Sup dad." I greeted him, walking towards the pantry. He looked up from the icha icha book.

      "Hello Haruka." He says, with his closed eyed smile. "Oh, by the way. I'm currently training with the author of that book." I say. He looked at me. "I see he's already in the village." He comments, standing up to get something. Leaning on the counter, I munched on the onigiri I quickly made. Kakashi came back, holding something in his hand. 

         "Catch." Was the only thing he said, before throwing me whatever he got. While the item was in the air, I realized that it was a scroll. With my free hand, I caught it. "What's... this..?" I ask.

         "Open it. You'll see." He tells me. Flashing me a suspicious closed eyed smile. I looked at him, hesitantly opening the scroll. Skimming through the contents, I read names of members from the Korikawa clan. One name in particular catching my eye.

Jimmu Korikawa

          'My birth father." I thought. The texts were written in a red ink. With further inspection, I realized it was blood. I looked up from the scroll, wide eyed. 

        "A-a.... is this...?" I ask. Dad nodded. "Yes. It's a summoning scroll." He says. "A Korikawa one??? I mean- I'm assuming it is cause the ones who made a contract... are all Korikawa." I say. "Yes. It's a Korikawa one. I figured it's a fitting time to give it to you, since you're gonna be learning the summoning jutsu with Naruto and everything." He says. "What animal are they?" I ask. "You'll have to wait and see." He says, patting me on the head. Causing me to pout. "Fiiiine." I say. I stared at the scroll. 'My own summoning....' I thought, looking up from the paper in hand. 

        "You're the best dad!!!" I exclaimed, jumping into a hug. "I'll be going now! You probably have to go to Sasuke by now. Don't be late for the Chūnin exams like in cannon!" I say, running out the door. Quickly finishing the onigiri, I stuffed the scroll in my pocket.


         I stood right besides Naruto as I crossed my arms, watching as the pervy sage watched the group of three young women play in the river. With their swimsuits. The perfect source of "research" and "inspiration" for his book.

          "Hey." Said Naruto, in an attempt to get Jiraya's attention. But of course, he ignored him. Continuing his research.

          "This is heaven." Jiraya mumbled to himself. Not taking his eyes of the women, not even for a second. Jiraya started to make this weird cheering noises to himself. I sweat dropped. 

         "It's about time to use... that jutsu." I whisper to Naruto. Naruto let out a couple grumbles, and complaints about Jiraya being a big perv, before transforming into his female counterpart. He/she covered Jiraya's eyes.

         "Isn't it about time for you to turn this way already?" The girl version asked. "If you join my training, I'll give you lots of service." Said Naruto. I did my best not to snicker at that sentence. 'Stupid un-cleansed mind.' I thought, as I stifled the laugh. "Pretty-please?" Naruto says.

        "So you finally came out. I was waiting for you." Said Jiraya, his tone evident with pervyness. Just as he was turning around, Naruto jumped away, and transformed back.

DISCONTINUED Time to be a great Shinobi! (Stuck in Narutoverse) (KibaxOc)Where stories live. Discover now