Training is pain chapter 5

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A/n: Edited!

Kakashi POV

"Haruka! Haruka!" I say shaking her. 







              "We're going training remember?" I say and she immediately open her eyes. 'So that's one way to wake her up.' I make a mental note incase I have to wake her up again. "Change your clothes I'll be downstairs." I say and walk of.

Haruka POV

             'First day training!!!!' I thought to myself, smiling like an idiot. I wear a fishnet shirt and put on my prussian blue jacket. I put on some black pants and head down stairs. Kakashi is there like he said he would.

             "Here." He hands me a rice ball. "Eat it on the way, lets go." He says opening the door. I follow him, eating the rice ball. We got some weird stares from people who knew Kakashi. Probably because they know he doesn't usually pass his students, then I hear a voice from above.

           "AH! KAKASHI!!! MY ETERNAL RIVAL!!!! I CHALLENGE YOU!!! AND I'M NOT TAKING NO FOR AN ANSWER!!!" I look up knowing already who it was from the obvious chose of words. He jumps down infront of Kakashi. "Not now Gai, I'm busy." Kakashi sighes. "I'M AFRAID THAT YOU'VE HAVEN'T HEARD ME, I SAID I'M NOT TAKING NO FOR AN ANSWER!!!" He exclaimed. "I'm actually busy right now." He looks at me. Gai turns to see where he's looking at. "OH I DIDN'T SEE YOU THERE! NOW WHAT IS YOUR NAME MY YOUTHFUL LITTLE FLOWER!!!!" He exclaims. I sweat drop. 'Wow that was my first sweat drop!' I thought.

          "It's Haruka." I say. "OH WHAT A YOUTHFUL NAME FOR A YOUTHFUL GIRL!!!!" Both Kakashi and I sweat drop. "We're heading to the training grounds for training. So I don't have time for a challenge." Kakashi stated. "Wait she's your student?" Gai asks in a normal volume. "Well-" Kakashi starts but I interrupt. "ACTUALLY DAD-KASHI IS MY LEGAL GUARDIAN!!! HE'S IN CHARGE OF ME AND TODAY WE'RE TRAINING!!!!" I exclaim. "Ah so you're Jimmu-san and Asami-sans kid... I've heard you recently got back...." He says seriously. 






               "WELL SINCE MY RIVAL IS OCCUPIED I SHALL HELP TRAIN YOU IN YOUR TAIJUTSU SKILLS" He practically yells and gives me a thumbs up. "ALRIGHT!!! LETS LET OUR YOUTH LEAD US ON THROUGH OUR TRAINING!!!" I yell giving a thumbs up. Kakashi sweat drop with a O__O expression.

            "LET OUR YOUTH GUIDE US TO THE TRAINING GROUNDS!!!" I yell. "LETS GO!!!" Gai yells dragging Kakashi. 

Kakashi POV

         "LETS LET OUR YOUTH LEAD US ON THROUGH OUR TRAINING!!!" Haruka yells and copies the same pose as Gai. 'Oh no, I have a bad feeling about this- annnd Gai is now dragging me.' I thought. 

Time skip. 3rd person POV

 Gai, Haruka, and Kakashi arive at the training grounds. Haruka is breathing heavily.

"The insides of my thighs are itching." Haruka say whilst scratching them.

                      "Hmm, how much physical activity have you done lately?" Kakashi ask. "The only physical activity I had was walking to and from school. Since the gym was being repaired. Also I was antisocial, so I don't participate in games of tag." Says Haruka still breathing heavily. "You're antisocial?" Kakashi questions. "Well yeah, why?" I ask looking up. "It's just, you didn't seem antisocial." He says. "Okay, so what are we working on?" "Lets work on your physical strength first." 

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