End of the first test, start of the second. Chapter 23

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 "You all.....


            Ibiki says. I already knew that this would happen, but it was still amazing. "Yeah!!!" I cheered despite everyone's confusion.

           "Wait what!? But what about the tenth question!?" Sakura asked. "Who cares!? We pass!!!!" I cheered. Sakura ignored my hyper attitude. "And what happened to the tenth question?" She asked. Ibiki grins.

         "There was no such thing to begin with. Well, I guess you can call the choice you had to make the tenth question." He says.

         "Huh? Wait a sec! So what were those nine other questions!? They were a waste of time!" Temari says. "Actually, it's probably to test our information gathering skills." I say. "That is right. First-" Ibiki starts to tell us the objective of the exam. 'Oh hell naw, I aint sitting through this again.' I thought.

            "Yeah! I knew that that was the point of the test...." I hear Naruto say. 'Liar liar pants on fire.' I thought, tuning out again. 

           "This is why I snuck in two Chūnin who knew the answers to be targets of cheating." Ibiki says. 'Oh that scene is about to come.' I thought, readying my camera. 

           "Ahaha! It was so obvious! Right Hinata?" Naruto asked her. *click* I took a picture. 'Boruto your dad's an idiot.' I thought, looking at the picture then tuned out again. 

            "Alright we pass!!!" Naruto yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. He started cheering, and soon after, I did too. "Woo! Yeah we passed!" The two of us yelled. From the corner of my eye, I see both Kiba and Akamaru sweat drop. Then, glass shattered. Anko skillfully put up a banner.

           "Alright boys and girls! Now's not the time to be celebrating! Cause the second exam is about to start! Follow me!!!" She yelled. Silence. Ibiki came out from behind the banner.

           "Anko, you're early.... again...." Ibiki says. Anko blushed out of embarrassment. I stood up from my seat again. "Anko-chaaannnn!!!!! Heeyyyyy!!! I passed the exammmm!!!!!" I yelled. "Huh? Oh! Hey there Haruka-chan!" She waved, then looked around the room. "84!? Ibiki, you let 28 teams pass!? You're getting soft." She says. "Well, there are alot of promising candidates this year." He says. "Hmph, well... I'll drop more than half of the candidates in this second exam." She says. 

||—||—||—||—||—||—|| 3rd person POV ||—||—||—||—||—||—||

             The sun was already setting. Ibiki picked up the test papers he had the candidates take. Though, there was two test sheets that stood out to him. One was completely blank other than his name. The other, had a bunch of doodles on it. No answers. The owner of these two papers are....

The one and only Naruto Uzumaki,

And Haruka Korikawa!

||—||—||—||—||—||—|| Haruka POV ||—||—||—||—||—||—||

            It was the next day, my team and I are currently in front of the large gates of the forest of death. From the corner of my eye, I see a perfectly boxed rock crawling it's way through the test-takers. 'Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi.' I thought. I tuned their conversation out as I listened to Keim rant about how cereal is a soup. Anko announces a ten minute break.

           "I'm telling you! Cereal is a soup!" Keim says. "Nah." I say. "Soup is liquid and so is cereal." He says. "No, cereal its self is not liquid. The only thing that makes it have liquid is milk, which is not soup." I say. "Then in that case, milk is soup!" "No!" "Yes it is!" "Somi what do you think!?" I ask.

        "U-uh.... I g-guess it's not....?" He says reluctantly. "Huha!" I say in triumph. "D-damn it..." Keim says. Just then, I felt someone tug on the hem of my cardigan. "Huh?" I say, looking to see who it is. There I see Moegi holding a small notebook. 

         "Y-you're Haruka right....?" She asked. "Hmm? Oh, yeah. Is there anything you need?" I ask, ignoring Keim's water is wet rant. "Um... I want to interview you! You did save Konohamaru from that sand guy after all!" She says, with stars in her eyes. "Oh right... I did do that.... yeah, of course." I say.

          She asked me some questions like, how the Chūnin exam is for me, stuff about myself, stuff about my team, stuff about the other test takers, things like that. Our ten minute break eventually ended, and the three left after saying bye. Anko explained things about the exam, I didn't pay much attention since I already know the rules. 

        I felt a tap on my shoulder. 'Huh? Oh yeah yeah. The death consent forms....' I thought, taking one paper and passing the others to the person beside me. We were given time to read through it, and I set off on my own to avoid Keim's rant about if the chicken or the egg came first or not. As I went further and further from the others, I spot Hinata and Naruto. 'NaruHina time.' I thought, taking my camera out and taking a whole bunch of pictures. 'Okay, that's enough.' I thought, as I hide the pictures in my professional picture bag. 'Welp, time to go back to reading the death form...' I thought. I keep my head down, eyes glued to the paper as I walked closer to wherever my teammates were at the moment. 'Aw man! We don't get funeral insurance?' I complained in my head. My vulgar thoughts came to a screeching halt as I bumped onto something- looking up I realize that the something is actually a someone... specifically my favorite brunette ninja.

          "Huh? Haruka? What are you doing all the way out here?" Kiba asked. Akamaru barks. "Weeell.... lets just say I wasn't in the mood to listen to a rant about chickens and eggs...." I say. He took a few seconds to process what I said. He let out a laugh. "Keim." He says still laughing. "Yes, yes it is." I say. "Him and his rants..." He says. I sighed. "Yeah- but hey, what are you doing out here?" I ask, emphasizing the you. "He kept on asking me if cereal is soup or something." He answered. I let out a light chuckle. As soon as the laughter died down, we were left with awkwardly silence.

          "So.... good luck with the exam...." Kiba says, scratching the back of his head. I give him a genuine smile. "You too. Though, I doubt you really need it." I say. "Oh? And why not?" He asked, grinning. "Just a hunch." I say. An idea popped in my head, which led me to lean over to him, and kiss him on the cheek. "I-uha- w-w-what w-was..." He stuttered, his face as red as a tomato. I giggle and do the same for Akamaru, except on the forehead, who barked happily. I waved, and left the flustered Kiba by himself. 

            Once I got a good distance away from him, I stopped walking. 'Why. Did. I. Do. That. Again?' I thought, remembering the other time I kissed him. My face flushed a bright hue of red. 

           "The next one better be on the lips!" I hear. I turn around to see Ino holding her camera. She walked up to me, waving a picture at my face. "I-I d-don't..." I stuttered, blushing even redder of possible. I heard the click of a camera. "Aww you're blushing! I got a pretty good picture!" She says. I sweat dropped. 'What have I done?' I asked myself. "'Good luck on the exams. You too but I doubt you need it.' Jeez Haruka! Since when have you been so smooth!?" She asked. "Um uh.. I uh... uwah...." I just stood there stuttering. "Anyway! I'll be going back to my team! Good luck!" She says waving her hand. "U-uh, y-yeah! You too!" I say, waving.

To be continued......

DISCONTINUED Time to be a great Shinobi! (Stuck in Narutoverse) (KibaxOc)Where stories live. Discover now