Sand siblings, chapter 18

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              I yawn and rub my eyes as I walked with my teammates. I currently have bags under my eyes, which are probably as bad or worst than Gaara's bags or L from death note. I haven't been able to sleep properly, because I kept on thinking back to when Kiba almost confessed.

            "Haruka are you okay? You look sleep deprived." Keim says. "I'm fine.... but yeah, I am...." I say. "What happened?" He asked. I think back to the time Kiba almost confessed. I sighed. "Eh.. just stuff.... lets just finish this mission...." I say. After we finished the mission, Nao Sensei brought us to the training grounds. "Sensei..... why are we here....? Can't we go home now.....?" I whine, very tired. 

           "Well, I'm here to tell you that I've recommended all three of you for the Chūnin exams!" Said Nao Sensei. "The what exams....?" I say mindlessly. "Chūnin exams!" Nao Sensei repeated. I lifted my head up, and cheered along with my teammates despite my sleep deprived state. He gave us some forms, and we went our separate ways.

          'Okay.... Chūnin exams..... should I stop Orochimaru from putting a curse mark on Sasuke? Wait... no... that's the whole reason Sasuke became strong and stuff..... plus, doing that would have too much consequences.... then... ugh! This is hurting my head even more....." I say rubbing the sides of my head. I continued to walk.

          "Stop that, we'll get yelled at later." I hear as I walk. 'Eh? That sounds like.... pfft, obviously it's Temari.' I thought. I continued to walk.

         "You better let go of him right now!!!" Naruto yelled. 'Ugh.... my head.....' I thought. 'All this yelling is annoying.....' I continued to walk.

          "Let go of me you jerk!" I could hear Konohamaru yell. They finally came into view, and I see Kankuro holding Konohamaru by his scarf. Just like in the anime. No one has noticed me yet. "Put him down!!!" Naruto yelled angrily at Kankuro. Naruto starts running at him, but stumbled because of Kankuro's chakra strings.

         "You leaf Genin are weaker than I thought." Kankuro says. "Everyone's just yelling.... can you all just shut up for once!?" I yelled, which shocked everyone because I was directly besides the sand siblings. "Haruka! When did you get here!?" Naruto yelled. I flinched at his volume. I turn towards Kankuro. "You. Let him go." I say.

         "And if I don't?" He says cockily. I shot him a glare. "Your little puppet trick won't work on me." I say. "You aren't as dumb as you look." He says. "Didn't I tell you to let him go!?" I say, using the body flicker technique to attack him from behind. He lets go of Konohamaru and I caught him. I brought Konohamaru back with Naruto and the others. Kankuro clutched his stomach where I hit him. "You brat." He yelled. I rub my head again. "Again with the yelling....." I say. He took his puppet out.

           "Wait! You're not seriously using the crow for this!?" Temari asked in a panic. I glance at the tree where Sasuke and Gaara are supposed to be. Sasuke was there, and so was Gaara. "Sasuke. Get the hell over here." I say staring at the ground. Everyone was confused at first, but then I pointed at where Sasuke was.

           "Sasuke!!!" Sakura fangirled. Even though he didn't do anything this time. I flinched. "Sakura.... could you please keep it down.....?" I ask. "Sorry." She whispered. "And you. Sand ninja. Mind telling your teammate to not fool around?" I ask, directing my attention to Gaara. Everyone followed my gaze and were all shocked to see Gaara upside down on the tree branch. "G-Gaara!" Kankuro stuttered. 

         "Shut up. You're an embarrassment to our village." He says. At this point in my sleep deprived state, I don't even care that I've just met THE sand siblings. Gaara turned into sand and reappeared in front of us. "Sorry for the trouble he might have caused." He said in a calm tone. I nodded. They begin to leave but Sakura stopped them.

        "Hold on!" I flinched from the volume of her voice. The three sand ninja looked back at us. "You're from the hidden sand, right? We're allies but no one can come in to another village without permission, so state your purpose." She says. "I'm assuming that they're for the Chūnin exams. It's coming up very soon." I say, in a bored tone that probably made me sound like Aizawa from My hero academia. 

            "Chūnin exams!? What's that!?" Naruto yelled. I flinched for the fourth time this day. "Naruto.... you're hurting my head..." I say. "Sorry...." He whispered. "Anyway.... the Chūnin exams is just basically the exam you have to take to become Chūnin. It's not as easy as it sounds... some people have been taking it for more than four years.... oh, and in some cases they don't make it out alive....." I say boredly. Everyone other than the sand siblings stared at me shocked at how I nonchalantly said my last statement. "But please show us your permit as a precaution, your teammate did just hold the Hokage's grandson by his scarf after all...." I say. Temari and Gaara glared at Kankuro for almost hitting the Hokage's grandson, and Sakura oh when she realized she just punched Konohamaru. Temari took her permit out. 

            "Well looks like not everyone lives under a rock." She says holding her permit out for me to see. "My Sensei just recommended my team and I earlier, it's only natural I know.... well... I guess I'll see you three there." I say, giving her a strained smile. Which is all I could muster in this sleep deprived state. Gaara starts to leave, and his siblings followed.

           "Hold on. What's your name." Sasuke says. Making the three stop again. Temari was the first to turn around. "M-me?" She asked with a small blush on her cheeks. 'Oh, what the heck? I completely forgot that Temari found Sasuke cute......' I thought. "No, the one with the gourd on his back." He says, pointing at Gaara. His siblings turned towards Gaara. He turned around. 

             "I'm Gaara of the desert. I also am interested in you, and the girl with the bags under her eyes." He says. I sweat dropped. 'Okay. I'll get rid of these bags as soon as possible.... I don't want to be known as the girl with the bags.....' I thought. "Sasuke Uchiha." He answered. Gaara turned to me. "Hm? Oh, I'm Haruka Korikawa." I answered. The tension in the air grew as Sasuke and Gaara stares each other down, not breaking eye contact.

              "Hello there! I bet you're dying to know my name!" Said the one and only number one knucklehead ninja. The tension immediately decreased. "Not interested." Said Gaara, who was the first to break eye contact from Sasuke. The three from the sand left. I felt someone tugging on the hem of my satin cardigan. I look to see Moegi.

               "Umm... thank you for saving Konohamaru miss." She says. I smile despite my sleep deprived state, and patted her on the head. "No problem. It's the job of a shinobi to protect their comrades." I say.  "You know, you're pretty cool!" She says. "Thank you." I say. 

            "Hey Haruka, you said you got recommended for the Chūnin exams?" Sakura asked. I nodded. "Yeah." I say, my voice raspy. She sweat drops. "Hey, what's with the eye bags?" She asked. I scratched the back of my head. "I haven't gotten much sleep lately...." I say. "Is there a reason why?" She asked. "Well....." I trailed off. "We can talk about it at my place tomorrow." She suggests. I nodded. "Yeah, that would be nice." I say. I waved her goodbye, and walked away.

To be continued......

DISCONTINUED Time to be a great Shinobi! (Stuck in Narutoverse) (KibaxOc)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα