Green and youthful rivals, chapter 20

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             Ever since I've talked about what happened, I have been sleeping properly. Which was good, considering how the Chūnin exams is nearing. My team and I have been training a lot, not as harsh as how I was training in the land of waves though.

             'Tomorrow's the day.....' I thought as I lie on my bed. The bags under my eye were completely gone at this point. 'How am I supposed to stop Orochimaru from killing the Hokage?' I wondered. The Hokage decided to continue the Chūnin exams so that we don't mess with the timeline. But they did plan on having an evacuation for the villagers ready. I soon drifted off to sleep.

||—||—||—||—|| Next morning ||—||—||—||—||

            I woke up early today. I head down stairs and to my surprise, I see that Kakashi was there making breakfast. "Am I seeing things? Or are on time today?" I ask. 

            "Oh come on, I'm not ALWAYS late....." He says. "Actually, that's what you're known for in the fandom." I say. "Breaking the fourth wall again....." Kakashi says sweat dropping. "I AM the fourth wall. You know, how I teleported from here to there and there to here?" I ask. "True." He says, handing me a plate of food. "Now that I think of it..... this is probably fanfic from a different dimension....." I say, turning to look at you guys. "Hi Author-sama! Hi readers!  Don't forget to vote on this story!" I say, turning back to my food. Kakashi sweatdropped, then turned to you guys. "Is she okay?" He asked you lot. We eventually finish eating, I changed my clothes and brushed my teeth and then head out.

           We were supposed to meet at the academy, so I went there. As I neared the building, I spot Keim and Somi waiting. "Hey guys!" I waved walking up to them. They both turned and waved at me.

            "(Y/n)! Lets go in?" Keim says. I nodded, and the three of us walked in the building. We walked up the stairs, up to the second floor. Of course, only Somi and I knew. Somi is a genjutsu master. Somi and I nodded at each other. We continued to walk towards the crowd surrounding the genjutsu-fied room. I see Izumo and Kotetsu in their disguise, hitting Lee. 

             "Please let us through." Said Tenten. She tried going up to them. Izumo tried punching her, but I used the body flicker technique right on time. Everyone were in shock at first. "Aren't cha being a tad too tough?" I ask. 

              "Hmph, if anything we're being nice. This is nothing compared to the Chūnin exams." Said Kotetsu in his disguise. "You call the Genjutsu nice?" I ask. Some people in the crowd started talking to each other.


"What is she saying?"

                I could hear them say. From the corner of my eye, I could see that team 7 arrived. Sasuke steped up.

            "You're letting me through, so undo the genjutsu. I want to go to the third floor." He says. Some people started asking questions again. "Oh, so you two noticed." Said Kotetsu. I tune out cause I've heard this a hundred times. Kotetsu and Sasuke tried to kick each other and  Lee blocked it. 

            "Hey, you were the one who said not to draw attention to our selves." Neji says while walking up to Lee.

"Yeah but...." Lee trailed off.

"Forget it, what's done is done." Said Tenten.

               Lee looked over at Sakura, and walked up to her. "I am Rock Lee. You are Sakura right?" Lee asked. 'Wait... I've heard this a hundred times... but.... I just realized.... how did Lee know Sakura's name?' I question in my head. 

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