After the mission, chapter 17

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              We get back to the village from the mission. We arrived at the Hokage office to report about our mission. Our mission experience had been changed from one C ranked mission to one A ranked mission. I try to leave with my teammates, but Kakashi stoped me from going any further.

             "Isn't there something you need to explain Haruka?" Kakashi says. I was sweating bullets. "U-uh.... i-is there...?" I ask trying to get out of this situation. He gives me a stern look. "Haruka Korikawa Hatake." He says. "Fine!" I say in defeat. The Hokage gave us a questioning look. 

            "I see that this might be serious. Considering you used her full name...." The Hokage says. I nodded. "What is it?" He asked. "Well... Haruka here, saved the enemy." Kakashi says. "I.... well.... um you see..... you do know how..... my biological father sent me to another world?" I ask. They nodded. "In that... world.... we had a lot of different shows.... and manga... and stuff....." I continued. "Haruka, how is this related to the topic?" Kakashi asked. "One of the shows is called Naruto....." I say. Their eyes widened. "Are you implying what you think you're implying.....?" The Hokage asked. I nodded. "I know the future of many people..... their fates.... who lives who dies.... who they end up with...... and a lot of things......" I say. The three in the room thinks for a bit. 

              "Haruka, you should know that things happen for a reason..... As much as I would want you to, I cannot have you saving anymore people who are supposed to die....." He says. "But you..." I started tearing up. "The Chūnin exams.... you sacrificed yourself..... for the village....." I whisper. He looked shocked at first, but his expression softened. He places his hand on my shoulder. "Don't try saving me. I die for the village." He says. Like a dam was broken, the tears in my eyes started falling down my cheeks as I stare at the floor. "Okay... I won't...." I say crossing my fingers behind me.

                I went back home with dad. When I got there, I wiped my tears, and cleaned out the snot in my nose. I felt like going for a walk, so I did so. As I passed through the village, I found myself by Yaniniku Q, the barbecue we usually went to. I spot team 10 inside. 'Why not.' I thought, walking in. "Hey guys." I greet them. They all look over to me at the sound of my voice.

               "Oh.... hey Haruka......" Shikamaru greets me boredly. Asuma sensei nods in acknowledgement. 

               "Hey Haruka!" Choji greets while taking some meat from the grill. 'Now I'm hungry.....' I thought.

              "Oh Haruka!!! It's been a while! How have you been?" Ino asked. "I'm doing well. I just got back from a mission." I say. "How was it?" She asked. "It honestly went way better than expected." I answer. I felt the random urge to go talk to Kiba for some reason "By the way, have you guys seen team 8 around?" I asked. "No." Shikamaru answered. "Me neither." Choji answered. 

             "They went on a mission a while ago. They should be back soon." Asuma sensei says. "Oh okay thanks." I say. I see an evil glint in Ino's eyes as she smirked. 'Crap.' I thought. "Feeling the urge to talk to him~~???" She asked. 'The annoying thing is.... she's right.' I thought bitterly. "N-no." I say. 'Stupid stuttering!' I cursed. "I'm sure Kiba would love to see you~~~" She says. "Huh? What about Kiba?" Shikamaru asked. "Oh Shikamaru, you won't understand." Ino says. "Troublesome women..." He mutters. I leave the restaurant, heading to the gates. 

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               I walk with my team back to the village. I sighed. "I wonder how's Haruka hanging.... she's been out in that mission for a while....." I say to no one in particular.

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