Land of waves, chapter 10

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                'Ughhhhh....... this is soooo boring......' I thought as I sweep the floor. 'Can we join Naruto's team to the land of waves or something? Nah, I don't think they'd put that many people for a quote and quote "C-ranked mission".' 

                 "Haruka! Can you pass me the soap!?" Says Keim snapping me out of my thoughts. "Which one?" I ask looking at the two soaps. "The one with the blue container." "THEY'RE BOTH BLUE!!! BE MORE SPECIFIC!!!!" I yell. "The one with the red thing." I look at the two containers. "Here." I say tossing the container to him. He catches it.

Time skip

                 "Sensei, I know that any mission is important whatever rank it is. Buuuuttt....." He looks at me and sighs.

                    "Fine. We'll ask the Hokage for a C-ranked mission......." Me and Keim looks at each other. "HELL YEAH!!!" We say in unison, and high five each other. Somi and Nao Sensei just sweat drop at our antics. We arrived at the Hokage office.

                    "Eh? Haruka? What are you doing here?" Naruto, who was in the room turned to us. "You're not the only one who has missions Naruto....." I say. I turn to the Hokage.

                     "Team 9 will be accompanying team 7 with their mission." He says. "Um... what kind of mission lord third?" I ask. "It's a C-ranked mission. I've heard you've been wanting a higher ranked mission, correct?" I violently nod my head. I turn to Naruto. "Yeah! We're going on a mission together!" I say and we high five. I go to Sakura and we do a little cheer together.

                    "Lord third, what is the mission sir?" Asked Nao Sensei. "You will be bodyguards on a journey." He says. Keim, Naruto, and I cheered. "Yeah! Finally a real mission!" Says Keim. "Alright! Lets do this thing!" Says Naruto. "Finally a chance to show my skill!" I say. "Who are we guarding!? We we guarding a princess? Or a feudal lord!?" Me and Keim stops cheering. "Naruto... that's more of an S-ranked mission or A-ranked." I say. "Now don't be so impatient. I'll bring him in." The Hokage says. "Send in our visitor." We all look at the door. We see a hand and the door slides open, revealing a man holding a bottle of Sake on his other hand.

                  "What the- a bunch of brats?" He takes a few sips of his Sake and then speaks. "And you, the little one with the idiotic look. Do you really expect me to believe you're a ninja?" "Haha! Who's the little one with the idiotic look?" We promptly walked over to him to look at our heights. Somi and Keim the exact height, and are the tallest, Sasuke next, then me, Sakura, and finally the shortest, our number one knucklehead ninja, Naruto Uzumaki.

                "I'll demolish you! Come at me!" Kakashi and I hold on to Naruto's jacket as he flails around. "You can't demolish the client Naruto..." We both say. The client speaks up. "I am Tazuna, a master bridge builder and I must return to my country. I'm building a bridge there and it will change our world. I expect to get there in one piece, even if you have to risk your life." He says. I smirk. "Risking our lives isn't anything new to a ninja, you don't have to tell us that." I say in a cocky tone. 

Time skip

                 I walk around the streets of Konoha already packed for the journey. 'I'll be meeting Haku and Zabuza on this mission..... I wonder..... will I be able to save them?" I look up at the clouds. 'But.... what if someone else dies? It's an equal trade right? Do I need to exchange my life? But what is I chicken out? What if I can't save them!? What if-' I stop walking. 'What if I change the plot from them dying, to everyone-' I didn't even bother finishing my thought.


                I turn around to see Kiba. "Oh uh... hi Kiba!" I say. "Hey, it's been a while..." he says scratching the back of his head. Akamaru barks from his head. "Yeah..." I say. "Is something bothering you? You looked like you were in deep thought." He says. "I'm fine...." I say looking away. "And that folks, is the biggest lie told that day." He says. I laugh a little. "Somehow, you always know how to make me smile." 'That's why I love you.' I thought. "I feel a bit better." I say sitting on a bench. "So... are you gonna tell me what's up?" He says, sitting besides me. "Uh..." "You don't have to tell me Haruka." He turns to me. I feel my cheeks heat up. 'Damn it. Why do you have to look so flippin cute while saying that!?' I thought which only made my blush worse. 'Wait a damn minute.... there's no one around.... well I mean... Akamaru is here too but still..... oh Kami, his face is so close...' I thought, again, making my blush worse. 

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