Second exam! Chapter 24

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           We exchanged our death forms for our scroll, which was a heaven one. Keim and Somi insisted for me to be in charge, and of course democracy wins. We currently stood infront of gate 17 of the area. "Okay, you guys know the plan." I say. My two teammates nodded.

            "Uh.... which is.....?" Keim asked. "I don't know." I say. The Chūnin who was with us anime fell, hearing our 'totally prepared conversation'..... yeah.... so prepared.... Once the guy regained his composure, he stood up and looked at his wrist watch. The took out his keys and unlocked the gate. 






            "Go!" He says. The three of us ran as quick as we could. "Let's go ambush a team!" I say. "Eh? Already?" Keim asked. "Of course." I say, as we dashed through the tall trees. "Okaayyy." He says. We just kept on speeding further in the forest, then something caught my attention. A small slip of paper, with red lining. I gasp, Keim was about to step on it. "Keim watch out!" I yelled as he stepped on the paper bomb. I tackle both of them away from the explosion. Fortunately, it didn't do much damage.

            "That explosion's gonna attract attention! We need to get outta here!" Somi says. Keim nods. I just sat there thinking. "Haruka, we need to go!" Somi says. "What if.... we use this to our advantage...?" I ask.

||--||--||--||--||--||--|| 3rd person POV ||--||--||--||--||--||--||

           Three rain ninja went over the trap the had set earlier. Only to find one unconscious little girl, to their confusion. She didn't have a headband, and her attire was by no means fit for battle, which confused the three much more. One of them walked up to the girl.

          "What the heck? Just one person? Where in the world are her teammates?" He asked to no one in particular. 

            "She doesn't even look like a ninja...." His teammate commented, looking at the casual clothes the girl has.

            "Check for a scroll." His other teammate says. "I doubt anyone would let a frail child take charge of their scroll." He says. "Just do it." His teammate says. "Yeah fine..." He says, crouching down. He opened the pocket that was closest to him. What was in there, he did not expect. Black goopy liquid, almost like tar, oozed out of the girl's pocket. "W-what the hell...." He says, backing away from the girl. The black liquid eventually protruded through the girl's skin and clothes, fully enveloping her. The three ninja backed away with utter horror. The liquid had turned to a sludge like entity, with crimson red eyes. What appeared to be its mouth, curved to a terrifying smile.

          "W-what is that thing!?" The ninja yelled. The sludge like monster expanded its mouth, consuming the ninja. Their screams of terror echoed through the forest.... of death...

||--||--||--||--||--||--|| Haruka POV ||--||--||--||--||--||--||

            I sat on the ground as I watched the three rain ninja scream and screech, while they roll around on the ground. 

          "Ah!!! Get off of me!!! Arghhhh!!!!!" They yelled. I turned my head towards Somi. "Say... Somi.... what exactly are you making them see....?" I ask. As Keim dodge the flailing arms of the three ninja, in an attempt to take their scroll.

          "It's a sludge monster." He says. "Sludge?" I ask. "It takes the form of a frail person or animal, then lies down... waiting for it's prey...." He answers. "Wow... that's.... oddly specific...." I comment. He laughs as her scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. I just chose one of the monsters I had nightmares of...." He says. "Nightmares....?" I ask. "Well, as a kid I used to have alot of night terrors.... my mother...." His eyes saddened at the mention of his mother. I gave him a sympathetic look.

          "She got the idea of writing them down, so that I could over come the fear..." He explained. "Oh... is that what the notebook is?" I ask. "Yeah actually... wanna see them?" He offered. "Yeah! Sure!" I say. He took out a brown notebook and opened it. It was filled with monster descriptions and how effective they'd be when used for Genjutsu. "Woah." I could only say. He chuckled. He got to a page with a.... beginner.... drawing.... He scratched the back of his head. "Uh.... as you can tell... I'm not that good at drawing....." He says. "That's why I stick to describing them by text instead of... well, drawing them." He explained. "I can draw them for you if you want." I offer, taking out my sketchbook and showing him some of my drawings. "Wow... you're... very good...." He says. "Thanks!" I say. 

           "A little.... help... here...." Keim says in between breaths, as he shakily holds down one of the failing ninja. "Oh right." I say, going over to help him. Somi did as well. "We're you guys flirting or something?" Keim asked. "Eh? No!" I say. Keim looked at Somi. "I only see Haruka as a friend." He says. "Plus, I promised to help you with planing... that....." Somi adds on. I looked at them back and forth. 'What do you mean by that!?'  I wondered. "Oh right! But yeah, good. Cause Haruka is Kiba's girl!" He says. "E-eh!?!?" I yelled. The two looked over at me. "What?" Keim asked. "How is Kiba related to this!? And what do you mean by I'm his girl!?" I asked, my face as red as... uh... the Sharingan. "Pft- oh come on! Everyone knows you like him! Well- scratch that! Everyone minus the dense ones." He says. "E-everyone?" I asked. "Yup." He says popping the p.

        "Uh um uh... l-let-t-t-ts j-justs get this- exam done and over with!" I say. "Oh! Lookie here! An earth scroll! Lets goooo!!!" I say, wobbly walking away. "Somi catch!!!" I say, tossing the scroll weakly to Somi. But in my current state, the scroll just curved, so Keim caught it instead. I walk away, bumping into a tree. "I'm oka-" I bumped to another one. I fell to the ground.

||--||--||--||--||--||--|| Somi POV ||--||--||--||--||--||--||

          Keim and I watched as our flustered teammate fell to the ground, after bumping into a tree. We looked at each other, then smiled while sighing as we went over to aid the poor Haruka.

           It took us a while to get to the tower. We came across a few traps and a few enemies, but we managed. When we got to the tower, Haruka told us to open the scrolls. The scrolls turned out to be a summoning scroll, which summoned Iruka Sensei. He was quite impressed that we were able to finish within a day.

To be continued....

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