Snowman, chapter 37

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     If I want to be a ninja. If I want to stay with everyone. If I want to save them. If I want to stay with Kiba.

I'll do it.

Spinning around so that I face below me, I bit my thumb, making blood seep through it.

Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram

"Summoning jutsu!"

||--||--||--|| 3rd person POV ||--||--||--||

       Jiraya looked down into the canyon, where he dropped two children just a minute ago. Out of nowhere, he feels a presence behind him. 

      "Humph, failing to sneak up on me as per usual eh?" Jiraya turned around, facing the presence. It turned out to be a Shinobi, with light blue, silver-ish hair.

        "Throwing kids off cliffs? That's new." The Shinobi laughed. "Though you could have chosen better. We don't want poor little Haruka or Naruto breaking any of their bones." Jiraya sweat dropped.

         "We don't want anyone breaking their bones....." He cleared his throat. "Well, I do think Naruto can use the nine tails' chakra, and Haruka for the Korikawa chakra." The silver haired shinobi's face turned serious. 

        "If they don't.... what would you do then?" Jiraya didn't answer. Instead, he looked down at the cliff, waiting for something to happen.

||—||—||—|| Haruka POV ||—||—||—||

        Smoke appeared where I had my hand. There was a whole lot more smoke than when I'd summon Aimi. I could feel myself landing on something. Something... fuzzy... and soft.... odd.

      The smoke disappeared, and in front of me was... hair? No. More like fur. A wave of confusion washed over me. Then I remembered what my summoning animals are.

      'I did it....' Despite how painfully obvious it was that I did, I just had to make sure. Walking to where what seems to be the head. I see a head. With ears and stuff. I... I fudging did it....

       "What the hell is this!?" A loud voice echoed. It was so loud that I lost my balance. Or maybe that's just the movement the wolf made. "Ah!" I yell as I fell on my bum. I involuntarily slid on the wolfs' fur, and I'm now sitting on their snout. Where the wolf could see me.

        "When I finally get summoned, it just had to be in a place like this!" The wolf yelled. By the way his snout moved beneath me, I could tell he was scowling with his sharp teeth showing. "You! Brat, where the hell is he!?" 

         "Eh?" "I said where the hell is he!?" He repeated. "What do you mean he?" I asked. "The numbskull who summoned me here!!!"

        'Numbskull who summoned him?' "Look, I don't know the other person who has a contract with you. But I'll tell you this, he ain't here. I'm the one who summoned you!" I did my best to sound threatening, or at least sound like I have authority. 

         Everything was silent. I don't know if they're thinking of ways to criticize me or something. But I don't like the silence. "Oi! Aren't you gonna say anything?" 

        "So you're the one who summoned Aimi, eh?" I smirked in triumph. "Yes! The one and only! Haruka Korikawa of the hidden leaf village!" 

        "You've got skill, I'll give you that. To be able to summon me after three weeks of learning the jutsu. I could almost say I'm impressed... but what in the world are you doing in this hole?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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