Shino vs Hibiki! Chapter 28

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Shino Aburame vs Hibiki

            'I guess it's one of the non cannon guys.....' I thought, taking a glance at the other side of the room. The blonde haired one caught my attention. 'That guy has a similar jutsu as Dosu.... Shino has a good chance of winning.....' I thought. "Hey, Shino. You may already know this, but he uses that thing on his arm to create sound attacks." I say. Shino nodded. 

           "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind." He says. I nodded, as I watched Shino and that Hibiki guy walk to the lower level. I lean on the railings, keeping my eyes glued to the upcoming fight.

           "Shino Aburame vs Hibiki, begin." Hayate says. Both of them stood there, not bothering to go on a defensive stance. 'Um... what....? I- okay then....' I thought sweat dropping. 'I don't know how strong this Hibiki person is, but I do know..... Shino isn't someone you can afford to underestimate.' I thought smirking. 

            "Fight me, and you shall never recover. Forfeit and withdraw." Shino says. I grinned. 

          "Hmph, I should be the one telling you that....." Hibiki says calmly. He switches over to an offensive stance. "....For I will end this quickly." He says he runs over to Shino. "Slicing sound wave." He uh... yelled? In a calm tone? (I have no idea how to explain o_o) I guess kinda how Neji yells gentle fist ya know? Okay okay. Anyway, with the force of Hibiki's attack, Shino fell on his back to the tiled floor. I hear a couple gasps from team 8 and Naruto. The attack made a dust cloud, surrounding the part of the lower level Shino was in. Hibiki stood there.

         "Humph, that wasn't much of a fight." He says. 'Course not, Shino hasn't have his turn yet. So be be patient sucker!' I thought. "Announce the winner." He told the proctor. I get a 💢 mark. 'Who does he think he is?' I thought. 

           "You didn't really think it was that easy did you?" Shino's voice says. I look over to the cloud of smoke. Hibiki sighed. "I was hoping for this to not be a bother.... I guess somethings just doesn't turn out the way you want them to eh?" He says monotonously. '......this guy has serious "I am the best at everything" problems......' I thought whilst glaring at him. "That move should have finished you though....." He says. Shino stood there silently. I then spot something moving. 'Woohoo! Here comes the bugs!' I thought, much cheerfully than I expected. 

           Hibiki narrowed his eyes. "Huh... bugs....." He comments. 'I wonder when the- oh never mind they're here....' I thought, looking over to the millions of bugs crawling their way towards Hibiki. He glances over to them. 'Ha! About time he notices!' I thought. Shino then started pretty much explaining what the insects do. 'I.... well I guess it's kinda mandatory in this case.....? Right...? Meh, I don't even know man.....' I thought. Hibiki internally debated what to do, running out of time as the swarm of bugs came closer... and closer..... He then sighed. "I didn't think I'd be cornered to use this technique.... let alone in a preliminary round....." He says.

||--||--||--||--||--||--|| 3rd person POV ||--||--||--||--||--||--||

              "I didn't think I'd be cornered to use this technique.... let alone in a preliminary round....." Hibiki says to himself.

           'He's not talking about that move..... is he.....?' Dosu wondered, as he watched the battle from the upper level. Hibiki weaved a bunch of hand signs. "Secret art! Chimei-tekina oto!" He yelled. Haruka gasped from the sidelines.

         'His chakra's so strong it's visible!' She exclaimed in her head, as she watched chakra flow down Hibiki's arm. A gust of wind rushed around the whole room. Suddenly, a loud bang echoed through the place, and Hibiki's chakra stopped flowing. 'What....?' Haruka looked around for the cause of the noise. Her eyes landed on the smoke coming out of the gadget on Hibiki's arm. 

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