Seal of Confrontation and Reconciliation! Chapter 29

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Haruka Korikawa vs Tenten

            I scratched my head. 'Man.... what to do....? Tenten is my friend.....' I thought, staring at the screen that projected our names. 'Why screen? Why? I thought we were friends! Why did you do this to me!?' I complained dramatically to the screen. I looked over at Tenten and sighed, as we both made our way to the lower level.

3rd person POV 

            As the two kunoichi made their way down to the lower level, a puff of smoke appeared behind Naruto and Sakura. They turned around, and there was Kakashi.

"Yo." He says, waving his hand.

           "Yo!? What do you mean you!? What about Sasuke!? Is he alright!?" Sakura asked. Kakashi's expression softened. "He's alright." He answered, turning his gaze towards the lower level. 

           "It looks like we're gonna have to fight each other....." Tenten says, reaching her spot. Haruka scratches her head. 

         "Yeah....." She says. Her expression suddenly turned serious, slightly startling Tenten. Haruka hold up two fingers. "Huh....?" Tenten wondered. The Hokage chuckled at the scene.

       'The seal of confrontation eh? You're really something Haruka....' He thought. 'Just like your father....' He thought.


          "The first round of the Chūnin exam..... Asami vs Jimmu Korikawa." The proctor says. The two aforementioned people stepped up from the group of Genin. Multiple cheers roared in the arena from the spectators.

           "Well, well.... looks like we're gonna have to fight each other eh Jimmu?" A girl, with long black curly hair says.

          "Yeah...... haha....." The boy with straight silver hair says. His expression promptly turned serious, startling the black haired kunoichi. He holds out two fingers."Huh....? The seal of confrontation....." She says. He nodded. "Hmph, alright then...." She says, holding out her two fingers.

End flashback 

           Tenten held out her two fingers, with a serious look. Kakashi looked down at the lower level. Lee looked at this with tears streaming down his face.

           "Such youth! It is to be expected from my eternal rival!" He says. Hearing this, Naruto sweat dropped. Hayate stepped up.

           "Alright.... Haruka Korikawa vs Tenten..... begin." He says. Tenten immediately jumped away, keeping distance from Haruka.

            "Huh? Hey, what was that sign they just did before the battle.....?" Temari asked Baki. 

            "It's a combat training method that has been passed down in Konoha. The seal they just did is called the seal of confrontation. Essentially it means "I've come to face you in battle"..... After the match they'd make the seal of reconciliation, as a sign they are still comrades...." He explained. "Huh...." Temari simply said, turning her attention back to the battle. Unbeknownst to the both of them, Gaara had been listening to Baki's explanation.

          'Acknowledging that they're still comrades.....' Gaara thought as he looked at the match.

Haruka POV 

          Tenten threw multiple kunai, shuriken, and senbon at me. 'Oh crud!' I thought, narrowly dodging them. 'Man, her aim is too good.....' I thought, throwing my own kunai at her. She skillfully dodged, and took out a scroll which made a poof of smoke. A giant kunai came flying out. "Gah!" I yelled, side stepping away. I get a gash on my shoulder. "Okay okay... that was too much close calls!!!" I yelled, weaving hand signs.

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