Battle of chakra and battle of strategy! Chapter 26

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Yoroi Akado vs Sakura Haruno

            I stare a bit dumbfounded by the unexpected match. I look over at Sakura, she looked alerted. 'Hmm... maybe I should help her.....' I thought. "Sakura...." I say leaning over to her. "That guy.... be careful, his jutsu allows him to steal your chakra... don't let him get close to you.... use paper bombs and kunai...." I whisper. Her eyes widened before going back to normal. She nodded, making her way towards the stairs.

            "Give it all you got Sakura-chan!" Naruto cheered. Sasuke just gave her a quick, yet reassuring nod.

             "Sakura! You can do this!" Lee cheered. Sakura smiled at her two teammates and Lee, keeping what I told her in mind. 

||—||—||—||—||—||—|| 3rd person POV ||—||—||—||—||—||—||

             "Am I seriously supposed to fight this brat?" Yoroi asked to no one in particular, as he looked at the pink haired kunoichi in front of him. 

            "Don't underestimate me." Sakura simply said. 'Okay..... thanks to Haruka I know that he can take my chakra if I get to close....' She thought.

          "Second match.... Yoroi Akado vs Sakura Haruno.... begin." Hayate says. Yoroi started to concentrate his chakra. 'That must be the chakra stealing jutsu....' Sakura thought, taking out a kunai. Yoroi threw shuriken at her, and ran towards her. Sakura uses the kunai to deflect and jumped away from Yoroi, using chakra to boost her jump. 'Alright! Remember the tree walking exercise!' Sakura thought, sticking to the wall. 

          "Hmph, not bad brat..." Yoroi says. Sakura did another chakra boosted jump to get behind him. She threw kunai at Yoroi, but he deflected them. "Hmph, maintaining distance are we?" He asked. Sakura didn't answer, and threw multiple kunai and shuriken. Yoroi deflected and dodged each of them. Sakura threw one, however, that hit the floor in front of him. He took a glance at it, barely noticing the paper bomb wrapped around it. "What the- oh no!" He yelled as it exploded. The chakra around his hand disappeared. 'Now's my chance!' Sakura thought, sprinting towards him.

            "Yeah!!! Show em what you've got girl!!! You got thisss!!!!" Haruka yelled from the upper level.

            "Yeah!!! Go Sakura-chan!!!!" Naruto yelled, along with the black haired girl. The ravenette beside them watched the battle intently, as their silver haired sensei watched as well.

             'You have grown Sakura.....' Kakashi thought. "Woohooo!!! Go Sakura!!!" Haruka yelled. "Sakura-chan!!!" Naruto yelled. 

              "Sakura! Do your absolute best!!!" Lee yelled. Sakura focused her chakra to her fist, then punched Yoroi. 

             "Ah.... when did she get this strong!?" Ino asked herself in the sidelines, as she watched her frenemy's fight. Yoroi gets sent away to the air, then landed a few tiles away from Sakura. 'At this rate... I'll get beaten by a mere brat!' Yoroi thought. Sakura then, bombarded him with more kunai and shuriken. Yoroi dodges most of them. But because of the damage from the paper bomb and chakra infused punch, his movements got slightly slower, resulting him getting hit. "Gah!" He yells. Sakura took the chance to get another punch in.

              But just as she was about to hit him, Yoroi grabbed her arm and activated his jutsu. "Ack! My chakra!" Sakura says, feeling her energy drain. "Sakura!/Sakura-chan!" Haruka, Lee, and Naruto yelled. 'No... I have to get outta here!' Sakura thought. She took out a kunai, swing it towards him. Yoroi dodges, still seeping her chakra away. Her breathing became uneven as time passes. She continued to swing the kunai in hand, each one getting weaker. "Sakura!" Haruka yelled. 

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