The tenth question, chapter 22

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          "You guys from the sound! Who told you you can fight!? Do you want us to fail you before you've even started!?" Ibiki yelled as he pointed at them.

         "Sorry.... it's our first time... we got a little excited...." Dosu says. "Well, there would be no battles without permission from the proctors, and even if you did... actions that could lead to death will not be permitted." He says. "Anyone that decides to go against me will be disqualified...." He then says.

           "Okay then old man." I say. Everyone looked at me with very shocked and fearful expressions.

"What the heck!? Do you have a death wish!?" Keim 'whispered' to me. 

"Why would you do that!?" Somi asked in a panic.

         Ibiki sighed. "Haruka, I advice you to not test me... Because I won't be playing favorites...." He says, whilst glaring at me. I laughed awkwardly. "Aha... yeah okay...." I say. "Now that that's done with... let us start the first test of the Chūnin exam!" He says. He holds up a number. "You'll be taking a number card, and sit on the seat with the matching number. After that, we'll hand out the paper for the written test." He says. 

        "Did he just say written...?" Naruto and Keim mumbled. I walked over to Keim. "I know that this isn't a normal test.... we have to cheat skillfully to pass...." I whispered. "What...? How'd you know?" He asked. "I know who our proctor is, that is something he'd do." I explain. He lossened up a bit. "And remember... no matter how hopeless you think a situation is.... I've got your back." I say, to make sure he doesn't give up once the 10th question arrives. I say the same thing to Somi.

         I got a number card and looked around the room. My eyes landed to the number on the desk.  'Wait.... isn't that beside where Kiba is gonna sit?' I question myself. 'I... hope not...?' I thought as I made my way towards the desk. But, with my luck.... I heard the familiar sound of barking.

         "Eh? Haruka????" I hear Kiba's voice say. 'Okay... act natural.... act natural.... act natural.....' I repeated in my head. I slowly shift my body towards him. "Huh? Oh Kiba! Didn't see you there! Ahahah...." 'Wow that was so natural!' I thought. (Note the sarcasm) "U-uh... yeah..." Kiba says, sitting down besides me. "Hey... are you okay? You're acting.... odd....." He says. "What!? No!" I say, waving my hand infront of me. "I'm normal!" I say. "Right.... Hey, I already told you once, but I'll say it again.... you can talk to me." Kiba says. My expression softened. "Yeah... I know... now's not the time...." I whisper. 'Well- I kinda have to go save the Hokage from a jutsu addict snake person.....' I thought. "Oh... okay....." He says. More awkward silence befalled us. 

            Ibiki clicked a chalk on the board, gaining everyone's attention. 'Thank goodness.... I don't think I could take the awkwardness any longer!' I thought. 

            "Listen up, there are a couple rules I'd like to address." He starts. "First rule-" I tune that out. 'Okay.... so... yeah.... I have no idea how those non cannon sound ninja are gonna affect the plot....' I thought. 'It's possible that they were sent to kidnap me..... uhh.... I hope not... I don't want a snake person on my tail.... speaking of snake person.... how am I supposed to save the Hokage!? Um-' My thoughts gets interrupted by something hitting a desk. I look around to see that Sakura hit her head on her table.

        "What!? What do you mean total points of the team!?" Sakura yelled. "Poor Naruto...." I say under my breath. Kiba nods. I tune things out again. 'Anyway.... he uses the reaper death seal.... how am I supposed to stop that!? Wait.... if I stop the barrier... then maybe the ANBU can help! Well- duh- but the question is how...?' My thoughts yet again got interrupted.

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