Zabuza Momochi, chapter 11

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We sit quietly in the rowboat, as it silently drifts through the water. 

           "The fog is so thick, I can't see anything...." I hear Sakura say. She is correct, nothing outside of the boat is visible. All there was was water and mist.

             "The bridge should be visible soon. Once we get to the bridge, we'd be in the land of waves." The guy who was rowing the boat says. Soon after he said that, an unfinished bridge came into view.

                 "Whoa!!! It's huge!" Naruto says loudly. "H-hey! Be quiet, there's a reason we're traveling like this." The man urged Naruto. Naruto covered his mouth with his hands.

                  "Mr. Tazuna..." Kakashi starts. "We'd like to ask you something before we get to the pier." Nao Sensei finishes. "Why did you lie about the details of the mission? If you don't tell us, I'm afraid we'd have to end this." Kakashi says. 

              "Well it looks like I have no choice but to tell you." He says. "Like you said, this mission is way above the request of a simple D ranked mission. I am being targeted my a short man who cast a long deadly shadow." "A deadly shadow? Who?" Kakashi asked. "You know him, or at least I'm sure you've heard his name before. The shipping magnate, Gato." "What? Gato? Of the Gato company?" Nao Sensei asks. "Isn't he a business leader? I remember reading a book about him." I say looking at Kakashi. "Yes. Everyone knows him." 

             "Who? Who?" Asked Naruto, he leans in. "Gato, is a business man of a famous company. But underneath it all, he uses ruthless methods. He sells drugs and take over nations." 'Right.... I almost forgot about this Gato guy...... wow brings back memories of when I first watched this scene......' I thought, then continued to listen to Tazuna.

Small time skip, (because I'm lazy as f-)

"I see. So by building the bridge, you're going against him." Sakura says thoughtfully. 

"Then those ninja are Gato's men." Sasuke says.

               "But I still don't understand. If you knew how dangerous he is, then why did you lie about the details of the mission and requested a C ranked one?" Kakashi asked. "The land of waves is a very poor nation, even our feudal lords have little expenses. Of course ordinary citizens have even less money. We can't afford B ranked missions or higher ranks. If you end this mission I'd no doubt be killed. Well, no matter. It's just that my little grandson will just cry and cry, saying 'Granddad! I want my granddad!'" He mimics a crying kid. "And my daughter will only just blame the hidden leaves ninja for the rest of her life. But well.... it's not your fault." He says. "Mimicking a crying kid wasn't necessary though...." I mutter to myself. Nao Sensei and Dad-kashi looks at each other. 

                  "Well.... I guess we don't have much of a choice....." Nao sensei says. "We'll continue to be your bodyguards." Said Kakashi. "Oh, I'm really grateful." Tazuna says. Then he looks behind him and made a peace sign at the viewers. Well in this case, the readers/you guys. 

                    "We're almost there." The guy rowing the boat says. I look up, we go through a tunel and at the end of the tunel, a bright flash of light can be seen. I close my eyes, then opened them to see a town above water. 'Wow... this place is kinda nice...' I thought. We all get off the boat. 

                "Okay, get me home safely." Said Tazuna. We nod, and we walk into a forest area. I'm currently sweating bullets right now. 'Oh, god.... we're gonna meet Zabuza after a few minutes.... Calm down... calm down Haruka.... everything is gonnna be fine.....' I thought. Naruto runs ahead, stops, and threw a kunai.

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