Life in the modern world, chapter 2

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(A/n: I've written this chapter a while back, and I recently decided to re-read it and..... let's just say..... it sucked. So I edited some parts)

Haruka POV

         I walk around the cafeteria looking for an empty table, seeing none as usual, I head towards the hallway and up the stairs. Once I reached the top, I opened the door to reveal the soft light of the sun and a very gentle breeze. I sat down on the floor and placed my bag to my side and my tray of food in front of me. As I ate my lunch I glance down at the group of upperclassmen chatting in the garden.

        'How do people make friends so easily?' I thought to myself. 'I've been here since kindergarten, how am I still just known as that one girl who watches anime....?' I sighed. 'Well, I guess it's kinda my fault..... the only thing I've ever thought about is how great it would be to be a Shinobi, go on missions, throw kunai at people....' I chuckle to myself, 'Now that sounds epic. But... then again.... it's called a fantasy for a reason.....' I thought. 

          My little conversation with myself was interrupted by the bell. I took my tray and got my bag. Returned my tray to the cafeteria and walk to class. 

Time skip, end of school

          I got "home" and went straight to my bin of things. I took my sketchbook and pencil out and sat on my bed.

            I open my sketchbook to a blank page.   'So.....' I just sat there staring down at the page. 'What a drag, art block.' I thought. (Yes, Shikamaru influenced her) 'Should I just draw me as a shinobi again? No, I drew her five times today.' '.........' 'hey, I actually haven't drawn Kiba in a while..... M'kay I'll draw him then.' 

Time skip cause I don't know how to explain drawing process.

           'aaaaannndddd.....done!' I hold my sketchbook up looking at it at a different angle. 'This is pretty good, I'm proud.' I smile at my work. Suddenly, my head starts to hurt. 'Gah! Not again...' I thought as I clutched my head. For the past few months I've been having sudden headaches for no apparent reason. The nurses in the orphanage never found anything wrong with me, and just told me to rest. "Gah..." Today's headache, was the worst of all. It's like someone had hit my head with a cement block and threw me in a washing machine, and then threw that washing machine in a stampede. I stand up from my bed, walking towards the nurse office. Not even halfway, I fell to the ground, losing my consciousness.








       I start to open my eyes. 'Too bright.' I shut them close as soon as I looked at the blinding light. I tried to open my eyes again, this time I adjusted to the light. I looked around to find that I am no longer in the orphanage I was so used to seeing. 'Where.....' I wondered, scanning the oddly familiar area.





'Wait....this looks like......'


And I leave you in a cliffhanger. Thank you for reading!

DISCONTINUED Time to be a great Shinobi! (Stuck in Narutoverse) (KibaxOc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang