Deadline or not? Chapter 15

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              A/n: Why did I just went on and made the chapter name a pun? It's not even a wholesome one! Sometimes I question my sanity..... okay, maybe all the time..... Okay! On with the chapter!

             I have been training nonstop. I have to perfect the jutsu. Or at least make the clone able to hold off the Chidori! If I don't, then someone, if not Haku and Zabuza will die. I can't let that happen. I won't be able to forgive myself. I knew what will happen, and I should be able to change that. They need to live. I have to save them.

            I breathed heavily, getting up on my knees. A few scratches and bruises here and there. My chakra was nearly completely drained. I could barely move. I shakily try to get up on my feet.

           "Haruka! Stop. You have to rest, you used up too much chaka-" Nao Sensei urges me, but I cut him off. "No Sensei! I have to complete it!" I yell with what little energy I have left. I get up on my feet. "Haruka. Please rest." He says again. "I ca-" I was about to say something, but I cut myself off when my vision began to blur. "I...." I say softly feeling my consciousness fade. I lose my balance, and started to fall. "Haruka!" Nao Sensei yelled with worry. He caught me just before I hit the ground. "I... have to.... complete the... jutsu....." Were the last words I said, before blacking out.

||--||--||--||--|| 3rd person POV ||--||--||--||--||

            "I... have to... complete the... jutsu....." Haruka whispered, before passing out. Nao sighed, as he carried his overworked student back to where they were staying at.

              He knocked on the door, as his hands were occupied. The door opened, revealing Tsunami (I think that's her name) and Sakura at the doorway. 

           "Oh my...." Tsunami says. She leads Nao to the room. Sakura watched her unconscious comrade with worry. Haruka was put to bed, with a wet cloth on her forehead. Kakashi then walked in the room.

           "She did it again?" He asked. Nao nodded. "I don't know, she always pushed herself while training. But never to this extent!" Nao says. Kakashi sits down beside him. "Yeah.... I don't think it's because she's worried that Zabuza would attack...." Kakashi says, looking at his adopted daughter. Nao scratched his head in frustration. "Nao. I don't blame you for this. It's not your fault." Kakashi says. "Yeah, but....she won't listen! I can't see why she would go this far..." He says. "Haruka is Asami's and Jimmu's daughter. I'm sure she's pushing herself for a reason." He says. Nao nods.

||--||--||--||--||--||--|| Keim POV ||--||--||--||--||--||--||

          Somi, the two team 7 members and I walked together back to the the old man's place. We walk in through the door. "We're back!" I say. I look around. "Hey, is Nao Sensei and Haruka back yet?" I ask. Sakura nods with a worried expression. I frowned. "She passed out again?" I ask. She nods. We all sat at the dinning table to eat.

           "Haruka has been pushing herself a lot recently.... I hope she's okay...." Sakura says. I nod, and so does Somi. I clenched my fist. 'What am I doing!? I am supposed to protect her......' I thought. 'After all..... he asked me to, and I promised him...... I promised him and yet I..... I'm sorry Kiba, for not being able to stop her from hurting herself.....' I thought.


           "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" I sang. Kiba's cheeks visibly heat up. 'Oh how I love teasing you about your fascination on dear Haruka.' I thought. 

           "Stop. Don't you have a mission?" Kiba says. 'Crap.' I thought at the realization. I ran away without a word. "Wait! Keim!" Kiba yelled. I stopped. "Promise me something." He says. "Promise me to protect Haruka for me. Protect her during this mission." I smirked at his statement. "OooOoooohhhh~~~ sending your wingman to protect your princess?" I say. He was about to say something but I cut him off. "I promise to protect her in your stead." I say seriously. He nods. "I'll be off then." I say, walking away.

DISCONTINUED Time to be a great Shinobi! (Stuck in Narutoverse) (KibaxOc)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ