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"What are you doing to my eggs?" He looked disappointed walking towards me.

"Seriously? You left them on the fire and did not tell anyone! What was i supposed to do, let the house burn down?" I soothed my aching back with my forefingers as he took a bottle of yoghurt and filled his glass with the vanilla flavoured content.

"It's okay anyway. I will wash that right when i come from swimming," he winked ushering at the pan then headed towards the backyard for a swim. I barely remember when the last time i swam was. Well no matter what he said i still decided to clean the damn pan i mean, i was not just about to leave one utensil lying around just for my brother to clean, was I?

In between my vehement scrubbing i felt a surge of pain flood through me and stopped my vigorous limb movements. After several seconds of waiting i resumed to cleaning and suddenly felt a pool of wetness in my inner thighs and a splash to the floor. Oh no. I rinsed my hands and quickly dried them while yelling Damon's name the whole time. The fucking asshole did not answer just as i thought and had to get him from his luxury.

"I've been calling your name all through the house you psycho. My water broke and i need you to drive me to the hospital very fast," I ordered holding on to my belly as my babies moved further down causing me to yelp in pain.

"What do you mean your water broke? Now? Couldn't it just wait a few more minutes?" He hallowed responsively with no shame relaxing in the water. Was he being serious?

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? I am a woman in labour and you dare challenge me? Get your ass out of that pool or i swear I'll come down there and get you miracle of birth happening or not!" I bellowed as Damon listened and dried his face after getting out of the pool. He offered to help me to the house but i declined. So what if i was in labour? I was Aramina Olivia Cole, nothing could stop me.

The contractions were becoming more painful each second and they slowed me down. I parted my legs and clutched my stomach pleading with my babies to hold on for just a few more minutes. Damon changed within seconds and came to carry me and rushed me to the car. No matter how much he got into my nerves i was glad he was here because i could not imagine going through this whole thing alone.

"Step on it!" I yelled at my shaken brother as he zoomed out of the driveway. I grabbed his phone to dial my mother's number since i had left mine in the bedroom and brother dearest did not think to get it for me. I groaned in agony through the phone as my mother adviced me to put my legs on the dashboard for i felt as though i was sitting on one of the baby's heads.

We immediately stopped at Mercy West Hospital and a wheelchair was gotten for me and i was rushed into a purple walled room. An obstetrician by the name Dr Nicole Hawkins walked in to see me. My brother left the room as i got comfortable on the bed and relaxed my swollen feet on the swing poles placed on either side of the bed.

"Hello, my name is Dr Hawkins and i am going to aid you bring your child to this world!" She squealed excitedly.

"Actually it's babies. I'm having twins," I groaned as another contraction surged its pain throughout my figure.

"Ah, do you know the genders?"

"No, i decided to be surprised," I tried to laugh at least to get my mind off the pain i was going through but it did not work. It was when i thought of how Blake would make jokes if he were there and serenade me with lovely songs making me feel as the most wonderful and privileged woman in the whole hospital. It broke my heart that he was not there to witness the birth of his children but he was where he belonged; in a fucking prison cell. I had been training myself for all this while on how to live without him, trying to teach my body not to crave the man that made me know the worst kind of misery and it almost worked but who was i kidding? It was always going to be him no matter what and it made me feel like the most stupid human on the planet. Why wasn't I forgetting him yet i even moved from my home in order to get rid of past memories? I thought it was time i accepted that no matter where i went he was always going to haunt me.

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