"I bloody knew it," I smirked feeling ecstatic. "Can i just ask what made you withhold this information from the police?"

I watched as goldilocks uncomfortably ruffled through her hair. She knew more than she was letting on and the way she swallowed hard just confirmed my suspicions.

"Okay, so it looks like we are going to have to do this the hard way," I said pulling out a gun from my back. I stood abruptly from my seat and pinned her against the wall twisting her arm to her back and pointing the gun to her temples.

"You have two options here goldilocks; either you tell me the truth or i blow your brains out and trust me honey, i make good on my threats," I said arching her arm a little further making her scream in pain.

"Alright, fine! I was paid off to give a fake autopsy report to the lead doctor"

"Paid off by who?"

"I don't know! He was wearing a hat and shades and threatened to kidnap my daughter from the nursery. I had no choice," she cried.

"There is always a choice," I remarked letting go of her arm. She held it close to her heaving chest doing her best to soothe it and relive it from its pain.

"Do you remember anything else from that night?"

"The memory is a little blurry-" she started but stopped immediately i walked closer to her.

"Wait wait, i think i remember something," she started as i raised my gun aiming for her heart not before clicking the bullet in place. "He was driving the new model of toyota corolla, blue in colour and i remember its number plate."

I watched as she ripped a piece of paper from her notepad to scribble down the number plate. I raised my brow wondering how sure she was about this.

"I have a photographic memory," she blushed confirming my thoughts.

"Thanks love," I said then went awfully close to her saying, "but anyone who takes part in my son's suffering will get a taste of it too." I did not think as i drove the pocket knife deep in her gut.

"My aim was not to kill you. I just wanted you to scare you. Now if you dare breathe a word about this goldilocks i swear you will not see your daughter get to kindergarten," I snarled awkwardly patting her back then withdrew the knife while she whimpered in pain. After wiping it on her coat, i grabbed the photocopies and left straight to Rafael's lawyer.



"Ronan! Get your shit and leave. You are free to go and do yourself a favour this time, don't come back," sighed the watch guard on duty opening his cell door.

"Oh come on!" I muttered under my breath. Was this seriously happening right now? I watched as he stretched then grabbed his novel and majestically headed out.

"Raffie buddy!" He called and i stood to approach the bars. I felt crushed but i tried my very best to mask my disappointment and fight the lump that was creeping its way to my throat. "Man if it would have been any other way i would have stayed here with you. I sort of feel obliged to keep you company until your case is resolved."

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