The Last of The Losers - Good/Bad Memories

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-Richie- Eddie called. - Dinner's ready.

- On my way, honey. - He said.

It was early evening, and the sooner they slept, the better. Richie was looking at the river, the current flowing in the same direction they were walking earlier. In the background, a bridge connected two hills forked by the same river.

Tozier stood up, threw a smooth stone into the water, bouncing it three times on the surface of the water and then sinking. He turns and goes back to the fire where Eddie was, warming up and eating some of the canned beans he has heated up.

- Do you remember what it was like before ... before all of this? - Richie asked as he carefully picked up some canned beans.

- More or less. - Eddie said, cooling the food a little. - And you?

- Same. But I remember how we were when it got worse, I think about it every night.

- I try not to think, it gives me nightmares, more than I already have. I prefer to remember the good times we spent together ... all of us.

Richie smiles and opens the canned beans - Me too. - He said.

- Speaking of which, what memories do you have? - Eddie said, wiping the remains of beans from his mouth.

Richie looks at the fire and takes on a melancholy and nostalgic countenance.

- It happened months after it started, it was you, me, Stanley and Bev. The others had gone out to collect resources. Stanley looked up, towards the trapdoor, worried and Bev always beside him calming him. As for you, well, as usual, with the inhaler in hand and with that face... THAT worried face you always make, you know? I just held your hand and told you to take a deep breath, and so, I started to inhale and exhale slowly, for you to accompany me. Then you looked at me with that same face... and... I don't know why, you kissed me. I don't know if it was a good time for that, but if it calmed you down, well, I feel like I've done my duty as a friend... and... since then, a boyfriend.

Eddie gaped.

- I... - He said - I was going to tell you about the day we explored the old arcade, but it looks like you won.

They both laughed.

- I love you. - Eddie said.

- I love you too. - Richie continued.

Dinner was over, and Richie was going to set up the tent. Meanwhile, Eddie looked at the horizon, at the stars, he offered to help, but was denied.

When looking at the horizon, Eddie saw a figure and it seemed to be walking towards them.

- Richie, look.

Richie looked at Eddie and then in the direction where he was looking.

- Who's there? - Tozier said sneakily putting his hand on the rifle.

The figure moved what appeared to be the arms.

- P-please, I'm not an enemy.

Upon hearing the voice, Richie and Eddie looked at each other, and just by doing that, they knew they were thinking the same thing, the voice, that voice, sounded very familiar.

A/N: Oh hey there, this is a cliffhanger.

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