P r e c a u t i o n

308 13 0

2 (or more... Idk) to go

"Hey..." Said Eddie, lifting Richie's chin. "Don't be like this..."

"We're going to be a year out." He said with a cracked voice.

"It will be fast, in a blink of an eye you'll be  here again." Said Eddie, stroking Richie's hair.

"I'm worried. Since when do you take guns on a tour? What if I do not come back?" Said Richie, fixing his army shirt.

"You'll be okay..."


"I promise."

"ALL ON BOARD!" The captain warned.

Richie looked at the boat and looked back at Eddie, his eyes were widened, in despair.

"I-I'm not ready..."

Eddie advanced and kissed him, holding back the tears.

Suddenly, a soldier approached them.

"Tozier, we have to go now..."

Richie looked at the soldier and then looked at Eddie.

"It's okay, honey."

Richie gulped, took a deep breath and said "Okay... I love you, honey... I promise I'll be back." He said, giving Eddie a big kiss.

Richie said good-bye to Eddie and approached the soldier. "Let's go." He said.

After a while, the soldier looks at Richie, smiles and says "D-d-don't worry, they d-do this evvvvery y-year."

"Why are we carrying guns? Wasn't this supposed to be just a "tour"?"

"And it i-is. The guns are fffffor precaut-tion, but rrrest assure that t-the last incident r-report was a c-c-century ago."

"Okay." Said Richie, breathing in relief.

He looked back and saw Eddie, waving and sending kisses, he "grabbed one" and kept it in his heart. He waved and signalized (👌) everything was okay.

Eddie laughed and sent his last kiss before he left.

Richie looked at the ship, smiled and advanced.

R+E - Reddie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now