G u a r d i a n s

309 9 0

"Inspired by Guardians of The Galaxy (1)"

In a galaxy not so far away from here

"W-we have these p-people here, Check out their criminal ruh-record." The lieutenant Bill said.

"First:" the soldier Ben said "Beverly Marsh, special and well trained assassin, Guilty of three bank robberies and 5 participations in various crimes such as extortion, car theft and so on."

Beverly smiled and winked at the lieutenant.

"No wonder why people call her C-Crazy Bev." He said, frowning. "Now, n-next."

"Uh... Michael Hanlon, A specialist in guns, white guns, he is excellent at stealth. People call him "Quiet"."

"These people have a luh-lot of weird and funny n-nicknames" the lieutenant said.

"Okay, uh... This little guy here... Stanley Uris... He is a maniac who easily loses his temper, can kill someone for a silly cause. And it was exactly what happened two months ago, He killed his neighbor because he had inadvertently crumpled his car."

"So it looks like we got a little pissed off guy here. "

"OH FUCK YOU!" Stanley screamed.

"Okay, next... Before this Stanley starts to end ny patience."

"Uh... Edward Kaspbrack, He stole three of the 5 most valuable artifacts on this planet, such artifacts that have already been returned."

"What a bad luck, huh?" The lieutenant said to Edward.

"Next! Seems like this is the last one..."

"Yeah, this is Richard Tozier, He's a scammer, he can cheat systems, steal banks without getting in one... What in the... He likes to be called The Badass."

"Who the hell calls him like that?" The lieutenant said, frowning to the soldier.

"I don't know, himself and his mother probably." The soldier said.

The lieutenant turned back to Richie and saw him making a macjine with the middle finger.

The lieutenant turned back to Richie and saw him making a macjine with the middle finger

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"O-oh... I'm sorry... I didn't... I didn't know how this machine work."

The lieutenant rolled his eyes and turned back to the soldier.

"Anything else?"

"Oh... They call themselves The Losers Club."

"Oh, so they're a team, huh?"

"It seems."

"What a bunch of a-holes."

Not a "REDDIE" chapter, but uh... I just had this in my mind...

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