E m e r g e n c y T r i p : A w a k e n

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Monday Morning  - 10 AM

The sun cleared the room, much of its light was on the bed, which was on the side of an armchair, where Richie was asleep.

Discomforted by the light, Richie wakes up with half-closed eyes, shielding himself from the light, goes to the window and closes the curtain. He went back to the chair and sat down, and stared at Eddie, to see if he would wake up at that moment.

The phone rings, Richie picks it to see what was happening. It was a message notification. Three lost messages.

09:30 AM  Bill: Hey

09:30 AM  Bill: Is everything okay?

09:32 AM  Bill: Do you want us to go there?

He looks at Eddie, take a deep breath, unlocks the phone and answers it.

Richie: No, thank you, Bill.

Richie: (answering to "Is everything okay?") I ask you the same, how r things there?

Bill: Oh thank God.

Bill: (answering to "I ask you the same, how r things there?") Not that good, Stan is with the flu and he doesn't sleep for days.

Bill: And there? How are things.

Richie: (audio) He's... still sleeping, I don't know when he will wake up, or what's happening with him... I hope it's nothing bad. Ben was here yesterday, he helped me a lot, and Bev was at home, he said she was really tired.

Bill: Goddamn...

Bill: Could you sleep well?

Richie: Actually I did... I woke up recently. He's still sleeping like I said, maybe today he will wake up...

Bill: Let's hope so... I gotta go, I'm taking Stan to the doctor, do a checkup.

Richie: okay... Bye, Richie.

Bill: Talk 2 u later, bye. We're praying for you there, all of us are.

Richie: Thx 🙃

Richie locks the phone and looks up to the ceiling.

Someone knocks.

"Come in." He said.

"Excuse me." The nurse said, opening the door slowly. "Uh... It's... breakfast time, are you hungry?"

"Not that much... Just a coffee, please."

"Okay." She said.

"Thank you."

Richie looks back at Eddie and sees he's having slow facial expressions.

His eyes start moving, opening slowly, Eddie woke up.

But he looked different, looks like he could only move one side of the face.

Richie froze, got no reaction, just opened his mouth, and said "... E-eddie?"

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