I n v i t a t i o n

583 21 1

Eddie: Richie...
Richie: Talk
Eddie: 😓
Richie: Eds, what's wrong?
Eddie: Nothing
Eddie: I just...
Eddie: Ya know, it's prom tomorrow​...
Richie: Omg... I'm sorry, Eds. But I've already invited a person, but I'm still waiting the answer 😕
Eddie: ...oh...
Eddie: 😕😔
Eddie: Do I know her?
Richie: It's... him...
Eddie: Who is it, then?
Richie: You know him, I think...
Eddie: Who is it?
Richie: U have to guess, Eddie Spaghetti.
Eddie: Umm...
Eddie: 🤔
Eddie: Shit, I dunno.
Richie: 😂
Richie: It's you, silly boy ❤
Eddie: oh my God, Richie... 😂❤
Richie: Do you wanna go to the prom with me?
Eddie: Of course! 😍
Richie: YES! I'm gonna sleep, see ya tomorrow!
Eddie: xx
Richie: Love ya 😙❤
Eddie: ❤

Eddie dropped his phone looking for hus inhaler. His face went red.

He couldn't believe what had happened, his crush asked him to go to prom with him!

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