F r i e n d s ?

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Eddie's POV

   I could not sleep, I was very worried about Richie. After Beverly left him, he was very sad, since then, he has not given any news.

I decided to call him, see if everything was okay.

"Hello?" He said, yawning.

"Hey, Richie, it's me, Eddie."

"Oh hey, Eds. Why are you calling so early?" He asked.

"I couldn't sleep." I said.

"Me neither."


"You know why, Eds..."

"Listen, Richie, I know it must have hurt, seeing your girlfriend cheat on you with your best friend, but you have to move on, you can not let it get you down. "

"I know, but... I really loved her..."

I could hear him crying.

"Richie... Do you want me to go there?"

"Please! I can't control it!"

"Wait... Control what?"

"No signal"

"Ruh-Richie? Richie?! Oh shit!"

I hung up the phone and ran out of the house, of course, I gave my family a good day and I got some fruit and rushed to Richie's house.

When I got there, Richie's mother came running toward me.

"Oh thank God!" She said, hugging me.

"Is he o-

"H-he's upstairs, I can not get him out of the bathroom, he's crying a lot and screaming. "

"Oh my God!" I said shaking.

I ran upstairs, and headed toward the bathroom.

"*Knocks* Richie? Are you there?! *Knocks again* Richie it's me, Eddie!"

He slowly opened the door and looked at the ground. His arms was...

"Oh my God, Richie, what have you done?"
I said, looking for something to clean his arms. It was covered... With blood.

"I could not.... I... It was stron-

"It's okay, Richie, here... *Wipe a cloth with water and alcohol 70 in the arms* Don't worry, it doesn't burn, and it stops bleeding."

"Thank you, Eddie."

"You're welcome, Richie. Hey... What about the Losers Club, have you talked to them?"

"No... I don't think I'm ready." He muttered.

"All right, I'll explain to them, everything has its time."

"*Chuckles* Eddie and his quotes."

"Stop it..."

Richie stared at me and started to approach me.

"Richie, what are yo-

He interrupted kissing my cheek and hugging me.

"Thanks, Eds. For everything... Seriously"

"Well, I-I... Ummm... Well, that's what friends are for." I said, trying to get my inhaler.

He just grabbed my hands, looked at me and said.


After this he pecked his lips on mine and started kissing me.

"I-I love you, Eddie Tozier Kaspbrack..."

"... I love you too, Richie Tozier Kaspbrack *smiles*"

And then we kissed each other again.

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