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Richie's POV

It was a perfect night, cold, but yeah, it was good.

I asked Hannah, a new girl in school, to go to prom with me. We were sitting at the table near the dance floor, me, Hannah and the Losers Club.

But there was something bothering me, Eddie was not well, since I dated Hannah he did not look at me anymore.

"Does he have feelings for me?" I thought. And then, it was time. The dancing time.

I took Hannah to the dance floor and started dancing with her, we talked a little, she asked about Eddie, I didn't know. Honestly.

Suddenly​ he just left, crying. I looked at Hannah.

"go" she said "he needs you"

"Come with me" I said, almost leaving "I won't leave you here alone."


We looked everywhere, and thank God we found him, he was sitting in the garden, looking at the sky, trembling.

"Eds!" I said, running to him. "What happened?"

"Huh? Umm... N-nothing... I just wanted some fah-fresh air."

"Gay stuttering" Hannah muttered

"Did you say something?" Eddie asked.

"Oh... Nothing!" She said.

"Eddie..." I said, getting closer to him "It's okay, I know..."

"It's not that..." Eddie said, taking a deep breath. "I lo-

I interrupted kissing him, I do not know why I did it, maybe it would make him feel better.

"Hooolyyyy fffff.... I better stay quiet" Hannah muttered.

"Wha-w-... Richie?" Eddie asked, with his cute shy red face.

I did not say anything, just hugged him, and I started to dance with him, I could hear the music from the garden, It was playing Africa by Toto.

Eddie just rest his head on my chest, and started dancing with me.

"Ummm...." Hannah said, with her arms crossed.

"Oh... Ummm.... Sorry, Hannah" I said, scratching my head in a shy movement.

"Meh... No problem. I came here for food. But I can stay here if you want to" Hannah said smiling.

"Well, umm.... Ok-

Eddie interrupted kissing my cheek. I looked at him, he was smiling. He just pulled me and suddenly we started making out, as the chorus of Africa was playing.

Well, that kiss really made him feel better. And Hannah, she's okay with that, she's a new member of Losers Club. And...

Reddie is real.

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