Prophesy (EP3 - Picnic)

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- Beatrice - eddie thought aloud.

- What? - Richie said, eating a peanut butter sandwich.

Eddie shook his head and got back to reality. - It's... the perfect name for a... a... kid. - He blushed.

- Ah... I agree. - Richie said - It's the most beautiful name I've ever heard.

Eddie took the jug of juice and poured himself.

- Eddie... - Richie's voice got in a serious tone, and Eddie looked at him with his big, brown eyes.

- Continue... - He said, taking he juice cup out of his mouth.

- You know what I'm talking about.

- Uh... no, you just... said my name.

Richie rolled his eyes and breathed heavily. - Don't act like you have a short memory span.

- I'm not doing anything! And if you want me to stop having these nightmares, maybe you should just stop talking about it!... Jesus! - He got up and went towards the car.

- Hey... Ed, hey!

- WHAT?!

- I'm just...

- worried, I know! Don't you think I am too?! We had an oath, Richie, all of us, and only two of us are still here! I'm starting to think this... scar is useless!

Eddie started sweating, his breath, getting faster. Asthma attack. He doesn't have it for months. - Shit! - Eddie exclaimed.

Richie quickly get in the car, grabs Eddie's inhaler and hand it to him. He inhales it, and gets calmer.

Eddie sits on the ground, astonished.

- I just wish things were different... they used to be so easier...

Richie sits next to him, and strokes his hair, and Eddie rests his head on Richie's shoulder.

- I'm sorry. - Eddie mumbled.

- It's okay, sweetheart... I'll stop talking about it, if it bothers you... Just promise one thing.

- What?

- Warn me... Okay? Whatever's wrong, or... I don't know, when shit happens, just, warn me, and I'll do my best to protect you.

Eddie blushed, he swallowed his tears and nodded. - I promise...

Richie breathed in relief. - I'm gonna get our things, we can do this picnic at home, you need to rest.

- No, no... I'm okay...

- You sure?

Eddie nodded. Richie smiled and kissed Eddie's forehead.

- Okay then, let's go, honey.

- Aaand... about the name... Beatrice

- What? I was serious. - Richie said. - Imagine us, married, with our daughter Beatrice, living in New York...

- Nuh uh... I'd rather live outside America.

- Hehe... Okay... Where?

- I don't know... Brazil maybe...

- That's still America, Eddie...

- You know what I mean...

R+E - Reddie OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora