(R) Chapter Twenty-Two: Lost Mothers

Comenzar desde el principio

(When Katarina is defeated, the following dialogue plays out.)

Katarina: Peace... At long last... It has been... Too long... 

(If Camilla initiates combat with Ivanna, the following dialogue plays out.)

Camilla: Mother... I thought you would be in hell, and yet, here you are. 

Ivanna: I act in the name of Anankos now... 

Camilla: Now I know for sure that it isn't you speaking to me. After all, the mother I knew would only ever act in her own interests. You never even stopped to care for me. 

Ivanna: It's all for Anankos... 

Camilla: Fine. If you wish to insist that, then I'll act accordingly. This is all for the future I want, and if I have to defeat you to reach it, then so be it. 

(If Azura initiates combat with Ivanna, the following dialogue plays out.)

Ivanna: You look just like her... Arete... 

Azura: ...

Ivanna: I thought for sure I had killed her years ago... 

Azura: ...Camilla told me many years ago that you were the one responsible for the death of my mother... How could such a kind person come from a monster like you? 

Ivanna: Monster...? I'm the monster...?! 

Azura: For the sake of my mother... The woman you killed... I'll win this battle. Brace yourself.

(If anyone else initiates combat with Ivanna, the following dialogue plays out.)

Ivanna: I will rule Nohr one day... If I kill just a bit more... 

(When Ivanna is defeated, the following dialogue plays out.)

Ivanna: No... But... What am I to rule over now...?

(If Leo initiates combat with Eleanora, the following dialogue plays out.)

Leo: Tch... Of all the people that I could run into while traversing Nohr. 

Eleanora: That's no way to greet your mother... 

Leo: Quit it with the theatrics. I already know fully well that you don't care about me. You never did. 

Eleanora: Stop being so rude, Leo... 

Leo: Stop speaking to me. If you won't back down, then I'll send you to the hell that you belong in. 

(If anyone else initiates combat with Eleanora, the following dialogue plays out.)

Eleanora: Soon enough, I will be on the throne... Nohr needs a ruler like me... 

(When Eleanora is defeated, the following dialogue plays out.)

Eleanora: This can't be happening... What am I to do now...?

(If Elise initiates combat with Madeline, the following dialogue plays out.)

Elise: Mother... Why are you here? 

Madeline: Garon... I miss you... Please come back to me... 

Elise: Mother... 

Madeline: We must rule over Nohr together...

Elise: Mother! 

Madeline: Who are you meant to be...?

Elise: It's just like how it was before... You never bothered with me... Only him... That's... That's enough. I'm going to stand on my own two feet and show you what you've been missing out on by ignoring me while you were alive, Mother! 

(If anyone else initiates combat with Madeline, the following dialogue plays out.)

Madeline: Soon enough, I will rule... Me and Garon... Side by side... 

(When Madeline is defeated, the following dialogue plays out.)

Madeline: I was destined for more than this... Why must I fail a second time...?!

(After the battle, Corrin, Azura, Xander, Camilla, Leo, and Elise stand together once again.)

Corrin: I don't understand... Who were all of those women? 

Xander: They... They were the concubines of our father. 

Corrin: What? 

Camilla: Following the death of his first wife, Katarina, Father fell into despair, and he turned to others as a way of lessening his pain. 

Leo: It's true... Those were the women who he had affairs with in his years on the throne. 

Elise: Our mothers... 

Corrin: That's awful... 

Camilla: They wound up killing each other in a petty fight for the throne... It was ridiculous. 

Leo: We did what we had to in order to fix things. Let's move on. 

Elise: Yeah... I'm tired of being here. 

Xander: Mother... You're free now. 

Azura: ...

Corrin: Azura, what's wrong? 

Camilla: You... You didn't see your mother, did you? 

Azura: No... I didn't. 

Xander: She should have... I don't understand. 

Azura: She married the king after your mother passed on... If your mother was here, she should have been as well... If Anankos' reach went so far as to allow him to manipulate so many people in death, you would expect her to be here... 

Elise: I'm sorry, Azura... 

Leo: Chances are high that we'll encounter her further down the line then. 

Azura: Yes... That's true. 

Leo: Let's keep moving. We don't have a moment to spare. 

(Xander, Camilla, Leo, and Elise walk away.)

Corrin: Azura... I know this is a lot for you, so... If you want to cry, I'm right here to listen. 

Azura: I'm alright for now, Corrin... We should keep moving. I don't want to keep the others waiting for too long. 

Corrin: Okay... Just promise me you won't forget that offer, alright? 

Azura: Promise. 


Posting this quickly because I have an episode of anime to catch


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