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Hi guys. I was honestly debating if I should do this for the past couple of weeks but I've made my decision to end this book. No it's not because of writers block but it's because I've felt myself grow further and further away from the boys.

Please don't attack me or call me a fake fan because I hope you all just try to understand where I'm coming from. I've supported the boys since early 2017-so practically over 3 years and they were a HUGE part of my life and I will never regret that or be embarrassed by that and I'll definitely NEVER forget them or the happy memories they have brought me.

It's just that the waiting around for the past 7 months have been so bad. The boys were the distraction in my life. When I saw their faces I would instantly smile and forget about any shitty thing happening in my life and I'm so grateful that I found that.

When they left I thought it was gonna be maybe a 3 or 4 week thing tops...but here we are in July and still no sign of the boys coming back. I've found new interests,new things that make me just as happy as I was with the boys and I'm sure many of you can relate to me,once again I'm very grateful for that.

I don't know what the boys or their managers were thinking. I hope they understand that they have made a massive dent in their careers and this will only set them back from success.

No I will not be one of those fans that unfollow them and try to stop listening to them but I will not continue to run this acc as a wdw fan acc anymore.

Maybe when they come back I will be able to try and reconnect what I had before,I honestly forgot what it feels like to see a new funny video of them and that honestly sucks.

This morning a old mashup from 2017 popped up on my insta feed and honestly it was the first time in weeks that I've felt something while watching them but it just made me sad because I know that they have changed. I miss the old why don't we.

I wish them the best with this new album and ofc I will be excited to hear when it comes out and who knows...maybe this isn't the end of this book.

Thank you all for the support and lovely comments you have shared through all the chapters that I published.❤️

Xoxo, A 

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