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Okay so firstly I have a question for all of you, do you want me to post a part 3 of Zach-cheated on? Or do you feel like it's being stretched out too much?

Secondly I really wanted to take a moment to write about an amazing person who had brought a lot laughter into this world...

Corey La Barrie,oh how can he be gone? It was about 24 hours ago that I heard the news. I was shaking. He was such a beautiful soul and it's a shame he was taken away from us. His videos made me smile and laugh and help get my mind off of many things. It upsets me how I was reading birthday posts about him the same day that I was reading the death posts...He was only 25,so young. The way all of his friends posted about him truly showed how great of a human Corey was. Even the people that weren't so close to him said that Corey made them feel like they've always known him. I wish I was able to meet him in the short time he lived in this world. He was an amazing friend,son,brother and more. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of his family/friends. RIP Corey.💔 Fly high.

"Mom,why do the best people die?"

"When you're in a garden, which flowers do you pick?"

"The most beautiful ones."

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