Zach-Fight with Dad (requested)

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The boys were young. Some might even say a little too young. Especially to be leaving home and tour around the world. Zach the youngest only being 15 got the most hate about it but never really let it get to him. Yet, When you hear it from someone you love that can hurt,bad.


Zach's POV:

My dad is coming into to town. He said he really misses me and all but i don't really want him coming. I mean,don't get me wrong I love my dad but sometimes he can miss me WAY to much and he ends up just begging me to come home. That's the way our last visit went and it was miserable. He keeps telling me to live my dream but then he wants to put a stop to it. I just really don't get it.

Anyway, he said he's supposed to arrive to the house in a couple of minutes. I'm just mentally preparing myself for madness.

I finally heard the doorbell ring and jump up. Yes,I know I just said how I wasn't really excited but I still do miss my dad like crazy. All the boys followed after me as I went to open the door. All the boys already know how my dad can be so they promised me they will help me get through it.

"Hey dad!" I said running into my dads big open arms he gave me a tight squeeze and whispered into my ear. "Missed you peanut." I smiled at the sound of my childhood nickname.

Soon we released from the hug and my dad shook all the other boys hands and gave them a massive hug. "How you guys taking care of him?" He laughed. We all faked laugh just to give his 'dad joke' some love.

"Come here,I'll show you your room that you'll be sleeping in." I said grabbing his bags. I walked over to the guest room door and opened it letting all the bags fall onto the bed. "Here you go. Need anything else?" I asked politely. "Yeah,for you to pack your bags and come home." He said with a little humor in his voice.

"Haha,funny joke." I faked laugh starting to get nervous. "That wasn't really a joke,Zach let's face it your too young for this. Your just a 15 year old kid that would be better off living at home." He told me a little more seriously.

I just stood there in shock not knowing what I should say or do next. Yes,I was expecting something like this but not this fast. "N-no." I stuttered a little.

"What did you just say? I came all the way to LA to pick you up and come home. Everyone knows that this is all gonna go away someday,and what are you gonna do then,huh? Nothing,because your not going to have a good education and your mindset will constantly be on this stupid dream of yours. Yep I told you about hundred times that I believe in your dream,but the truth really is,I think it's one of the most dumbest and stupidest dreams ever! Now go pack your bags we're leaving in 30 minutes." He said the whole time with a straight face.

Those words shot through me like a bullet. I felt broken, how can my own dad say such a thing? "W-What? No! You can't just come into my life and decide this I chose to live my dream and you were the one that told me to go for it! Why should I give it up now! Why should I do it for you!" I yelled at him. When I finished saying those words I saw the Greene in his eyes turn to fire. He was mad,really mad.

"Listen to me right now! I said pack your damn bags! We're leaving with or without them so you better start now! I wanna see you at the front door in 20 minutes." He yelled back. He was furious,but I was more.

"LEAVE!" I yelled back pointing towards the door. "I SAID LEAVE NOW!" I yelled even louder and tears started to swell up in my eyes. "I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN!" I continued to yell I felt wet streams of tears fall down my face. I could feel my head start to hurt from the anger that I just can't explain that's in me. Yet,I feel so sad. It hurts to hear it from a hater,but more worse to hear it from a loved one. Am I too young?

"You don't have to tell me to go. I'll be happy to leave. Just don't come crawling back to me when you lose everything. Your career,your money,your friends. You'll see. I'm sorry to tell you this but you.....are no longer my son." Those are the last words I hear come out of his mouth before he leaves and never turned back.

I stood there,the tears just falling and falling down my face. I collapse on my knees and let out loud heartbreaking sobs. I was broken. "It's okay buddy." I heard Jonah's voice in my ear as I was pulled into the tightest hug from my five best friends.

*skip 3 years later*

I look around,I see lights,screaming fans,cameras everywhere. We were on our first stadium tour going world wide. We were the top of the top. I couldn't imagine a better life. Yes,my dad disowned me,my siblings don't talk to me,my mom still calls but I haven't seen her in years. But my  five best friends-brothers-are the best people I could ever ask for. During holidays and break I go home to Jonah's family. They took me in like their own son. I'm so grateful for the life that I live and I couldn't spend it any other way.


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