Daniel-Concussion (requested)

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Talent. Something everyone wants. There's one person with the name of Daniel Seavey whose got a lot of it for sure. He can sing,play about 1000 instrument,dance and one of his favorites ride a unicycle. He loved practicing and shows it off to about anyone he could. He knows it's dangerous,but a lot of people do it,is what Daniel kept telling people when they told him that one day he will get hurt. Well,that day has finally come.


Daniels POV:

We were at rehearsals today for the start of our 8 letters tour that's supposed to start in about 2 weeks. The boys and I are pumped and everyday we practice for hours perfecting the choreography, singing live vocals and the stage set up.

At the same time we were also going to the studio every chance we got. We had no time for mistakes or errors.

"You guys did amazing today." Our choreographer said dismissing us from rehearsals for the day. "Wow, already
10:00 pm should we go to the studio or just go home?" Jonah asked us. "Can we go home,we were here since like 8 am." Zach complained.
"Yeah, I think we're all too tired to do more work now. Let's call it a day." Corbyn said agreeing. Jack and I shook our heads in agreement.

"Okay then, let's get home." Jonah told us grabbing his bag. We all hopped in jacks car and he drove back home. Once the boys and I got home we went straight for the couch and collapsed. (Ik the boys don't live t/g but now they do lol) We were so tired that we all just decided to fall asleep on the couch.

*2 hours later*

I woke up and noticed it was still pitch black outside I checked my phone to see that it was only 12 am. As soon as I put my phone down I looked next to me and saw Zach waking up. "What time is it?" He said in his tired raspy voice. "Only midnight." I answered him. "Great,now I can't fall back asleep." He said annoyed at himself. I laughed as the young boy sat up and just started looking at his phone. "So your just going to stay awake now?" I asked him. "I mean yeah I guess I think I just needed a good 2 hour nap." He answered.

Just then corbyn started to wake up. "Did I sleep here all night?" He asked confused obviously forgetting he had fallen asleep on the couch. "Nope,it's only midnight." I told him. "Only midnight!" He exclaimed.

"I know I fell like I slept for 12 hours." I agreed with him. "Same here." Zach said nodding in agreement.

"Why don't you all just shut up,so I can actually get some sleep!" Jonah said annoyed.
"Sheesh." Zach said rolling his eyes.

"Let's just go do something." I suggested getting up. "I guess." Corbyn agreed. Zach and corbyn followed behind me as we made our way outside. It was cold but the air had a fresh breezy smell. We all looked around for something to do but couldn't really find anything.

"Hey,what about that!" Zach said pointing to a corner in the yard. "You don't have to sound 4."  Corbyn told Zach laughing. "Haha so funny." Zach said sarcastically.

"Look,let's try riding this." Zach said picking up my unicycle. "Whoa,Whoa zach we don't need you getting killed tonight." I Said taking away the unicycle from him. "Why!" Zach whined stretching out the 'y'.

"You don't even know how to ride it. Do you really wanna end up in the hospital tonight?" I told him. He just stared at me blankly. "You know Jonah would kill if we wake him up again, especially to get you to a hospital." I tried to convince him.

"Fine." He Finally gave in. "BUT. Only if you please ride it.... for me." He begged. "I mean, I don't know." I answered. "What?! Why not? Your so good at it!" Zach argued. "Yeah man,why not it's so cool." Corbyn chimed in.

"Fine, I guess I can do it for a little." I agreed.
The real reason I didn't really want to do it was because tour was in less than 2 weeks and I can't afford to get hurt.

I picked up the unicycle and began setting it up to get on it. Once I got on it, it got a bit shaky but that's probably because I'm a little nervous. I start to peddle and saw smiles across their faces in amazement. I kept on peddling and peddling and even did some tricks before the worst happened.

I felt the whole unicycle jerk forward and felt my body fall to the hard pavement. Everything went black.

Jacks POV:

I was happily in my dreams and sleeping from in exhausting day but I got interrupted by screams. "WAKE UP! JACK! JONAH! GET UP!" Zach screamed with streams of tears running down his eyes. "W-What's wrong?"
I asked him. I was so confused. I was just relaxing to being woken up with a crying Zach. "D-Daniel h-he h-hit his h-head." Zach cried. I immediately shot up and ran to the backyard where Zach was pointing. All I saw was Daniel laying on the floor unconscious with a worried Corbyn sitting next to him.

At this point Jonah,Zach an I were also surrounding him. Jonah was already on the phone with 911 and Zach just stood there in tears while corbyn and I were just sitting next to Daniel. It was chaos!

"W-What's h-happening?" We all heard a voice say. I looked down and saw Daniel had woken up. "Thank god!" Corbyn said in relief. "How do you feel? Are you okay? What hurts?" We all asked him. "M-my head." He screamed holding it in pain.

We-oo we-oo w-oo (haha Idk😂)

We heard sirens fill up the quiet sound in the night air. "Ow! My head!" Daniel screamed again in agony. "Shhh it's alright bud." Jonah covered Daniels ears.

The paramedics came in a matter of seconds and quickly looked at Daniel. "Looks like a concussion. We have to bring him to a hospital." One of the paramedics told us. We were all lucky enough to come with Daniel in the ambulance.

*At hospital*

"Definitely a concussion." The doctor told us after examining Daniel. "We would like to keep him here over night to keep an eye on him." The doctor told us and left the room. "I'm sorry!" Zach blurted out. "I-it's all my f-fault." He said starting to tear up. "No it's not Zach. It was an accident,it happens. At least it's nothing worst." Daniel reassured Zach. "Yeah,I mean I guess we really did end up in a hospital." We all laughed.


Hope this was good!💋

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(I have all of your request! I try to write as much as I can😊)

I guess you can just read tho😁

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