Kidfic-Daddy has cancer

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Jonah and Corbyn-parents

Jonah's POV:

We were currently sitting in the waiting room of a hospital waiting for our names to be called. You see Corbyn has been complaining about his stomach recently but not just as a stomach ache.He's been constantly feeling nauseous and says that he completely lost his appetite and he would just start throwing up even though he has barely eaten anything.

"Mr and Mr Besson-Marais?" Called our doctor that we have been seeing for about a week now. They are constantly asking us to come back in to do more tests and today they called in saying they have the diagnosis and should come down immediately.

Thankfully the kids were still in school so we didn't have to worry about finding a babysitter.

"I hope everything's okay." Corbyn said hopeful while sitting down in the chair across from the doctor who's name was Dr. Madison. He looked no older than 45 and since we've spent a lot of time here in the past week we've learnt that he has 2 grown up kids and has a grandchild already that's almost Zach's age.

But after Corbyn said that I saw a frown grow on Dr. Madison's face. Without even realizing it I grabbed Corbyn's hand and squeezed it, who knows what we will be told in the next 2 minutes.

"I'm sorry to say this but Corbyn has been diagnosed with Stomach Cancer, stage 3."

At that moment I felt my world crashing down. The love of my life is sick? Our 3 baby's are gonna have to deal with this? Am I gonna loose my soulmate?

Corbyn's POV:


A sickness everyone hears about but never expects them to get it.  But it did happen,to me.

I felt warm tears fall down my cheeks. But a cool hand wiped them and brought me into the tightest hug and he kissed my forehead.

"It's gonna be okay."


General POV:

It has been 2 weeks since Corbyn has been diagnosed. When they told the kids, they couldn't really understand. Zach was absolutely oblivious so Corbyn ended up spending 20 painful minutes explaining to his 6 year old child that he was now fighting for his life.

"Daddy,you won't leave right?Because if you do then papa,Dani,Jacky and me are gonna be sad." Zach asked his daddy.

Tears flooded in Corbyn's eyes, he just couldn't comprehend the fact that his baby was asking him if he will die. What kind of 6 year old should have to go through this?

When Daniel heard it was a sob scene. The 9 year old didn't know much about Cancer but he told Corbyn and Jonah about a boy in his class who's cousin died from Cancer and he didn't want to loose his daddy.

"Daniel,baby boy please don't cry for papa and I. I'm gonna go get some medicine every couple of weeks to help me fight this bad sickness." Corbyn reassured his oldest. If only it was as simple as some cough medicine....

Jack who was only a year younger than Daniel had almost the opposite reaction. He kinda just sat quietly for 30 seconds before asking his daddy to build a tower with him.

Jonah and Corbyn were shocked. Jack didn't even ask questions?

"Bud do you know what Cancer is?" Corbyn asked Jack while taking the blocks out of the bin.

"Yes it's a when a person is sick." Jack said in the calmest way.

"So didn't papa and I just explain to you that I am sick?" Corbyn asked nervous for Jacks response.

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