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Idk a lot about epilepsy so bear w/me 😂
Enjoy 😉

3rd person POV:
Corbyn has been diagnosed with epilepsy when he was age 8,it wasn't a big shock to his family though considering he was having minor seizures before.None of them were too serious that he had to be in a hospital for more then a fast 3 hours.

No one knows about his epilepsy except for his mom,dad,sister and brother.Everyone was kind of nervous when he joined WDW because of this 'problem' but corbyn assured them that he won't have an issue and that ever since he got his medication he hasn't had a seizure.So now corbyn hides it from the boys,but how long can this really last for...?

Corbyns POV:
I woke up from the sound of my beeping alarm clock. I forced myself out of bed and into the bathroom to take  shower do my hair and get ready for the day. Then I went to my nightstand next to my bed and opened my locked bottom drawer to take out my medication. Oh no! How could I be so dumb,no no no no!This is not happening! I thought to myself while looking into the empty drawer.I can't believe I lost it!!!! I looked EVERYWHERE by the time I gave up my room was a COMPLETE mess. "Whoa what happened here?" Jonah asked me while walking in. "Um I lost something I think I'm gonna go out and get what I need." I said back hoping he wouldn't ask what I needed. "Well,be back in 1 hour we have an 2 interviews today." I nodded back at him as he left the room.

I looked at my phone looking at the time when I saw what date it was on the bottom Saturday February 9 2019, "Great just when the pharmacy is closed! On a weekend" I said while hitting my face with my hand softly. I could go one or two days without medicine,right? I mean I've haven't had one in like,forever. I thought to myself confidently.

I walk down stairs to see all the boys talking and laughing to each other while sitting around on the couch. "Hey bean are you going or did you find what you need?" Jonah asked me. "Nah,it's fine I found it." I answered back completely lying. "Oh what did you loose?" Zach asked me which got on my nerves a little bit. "Uhh my charger." I said giving another lie.

As me and all the boys got out of the car to go into the interview Jonah was kind of looking at me all 'suspicious' and stuff which got on my nerves because I felt like he knew what was going on which I REALLY didn't like. "Alright boys go kill it I'll be down the hall sorting out the other interviews for the day." Tyler said to us.

"What the hell do you want!" I finally snapped at Jonah when he looked at me AGAIN. "Um corbyn are you okay?" Daniel said turning to eye me. "Was I talking to you seavey?!" I said when that was my last straw.To be honest after I said that I felt kind of bad but I felt really insecure today since I didn't take my pills. So I was 'a little' edgy today. They all just stared at me wide eyed and I just ignored it looking back at my phone before the interview.

"Hey guys,I'm here with" "WHY DON'T WE" we all said finishing off the interviewers sentence like we all planned. She asked pretty boring questions that we answer In practically every interview and before we knew it the interview was over.

"Okay boys the next interview will be in about 20 minutes so you can all just chill here till then." Tyler told us while we all sat down on the 2 couches facing each other.

"Corbyn do you wanna talk about what happened today?" Jonah said to me with a serious face. "Are you really looking to piss me off today?, just forget and move on!" I blurted out. Everyone in the room went silent and all eyes straight to me and Jonah. "Well,maybe I'm trying to be a good friend because I can tell something's bothering you!" Jonah screamed back while this time standing up. "Just leave me ALONE!" I screamed back even louder while getting up causing everyone to flinch. "Why can't we just talk this out guys." Zach said as you can hear the nervousness in his voice. "DID I EVEN ASK YOU ZACH! I DON'T NEED TO LISTEN TO THE IMMATURE BABY OF THE GROUP!" I screamed back making the younger boy swell up with tears. I was now heated up nothing could stop me!

Zach began to cry he hated being referred to as the 'baby' and I kind of felt bed seeing him get so sad and jack trying to comfort him. "It's okay Zach,he didn't mean it."I heard jack whisper to Zach as Zach sobbed into jacks chest.

"Boys stop this right now! Look what your doing to yourselves you should be ashamed! I want you boys to sit down and talk this out before it gets WAY to out of hand!" Tyler commanded back.

Jonah sat down immediately right after Tyler commanded but before I could sit down I felt the whole room spin and shake and I felt my body fall to the ground and shake like crazy,foam started coming out of my mouth and I felt mg eyes roll everywhere and worst of all, I heard my best friends screams and sobs of horror. I was having a seizure.

Jonah POV:
I sat down after hearing Tyler's command but as soon as I did I saw corbyn collapse onto the floor and everyone immediately stood up and ran to him. He was shaking uncontrollably and foam started to gush out of his mouth his eyes rolled to the back of his head.He was having a seizure. "Call 911,fast!" I screamed "he's having a seizure everyone move back!" Tyler instructed pushing me away. I looked over my shoulder to see Zach,The youngest BAWLING.Jack kept trying to calm him down while Daniel was right there on the phone with 911 with tears in his eyes. The noise of sirens filled the room and within seconds paramedics were bursting through the doors. Corbyn has finally stopped shaking and just looked lifeless as they put him onto the stretcher leading him out the door and into the ambulance.

Me and the boys were waiting in the waiting room in fear Zach was still a crying mess while jack and Daniel tried to comfort him yet failed when the boy only got worse. "Corbyn besson?" A nurse called out. Thats when Zach stopped crying and looked up,we all ran to her and she told us to follow her.

We walked down the hall and stood by a door with the numbers 507 on it. "Your friend corbyn Besson is in there and we would like to tell you that he is fine but we have something we need to discuss but we have to wait for the doctor to come out." She told all of us. We waited their for about the longest 20 seconds ever and a doctor came and greeted us with a smile. "So we ran a few test on him and everything looks fine,we called his mother and she told us some things that we assume that you don't know,Corbyn has epilepsy, in fact he was even diagnosed when he was 8, his mother told us he's been taking medication and haven't had one in a long time but we looked in his system and it looks like he hasn't taken his pills today. When he woke up we asked him why and he said he ran out and the pharmacy wasn't opened today,so we just gave him some more and he should be back to normal." The doctor said explaining everything to us,we all just looked at each other in SHOCK, how did we not know?!

We walked into the room and immediately ran over to corbyn and gave him a big bear hug. "We love you bean and before you say anything just know that we love you the same no matter what and that we know you acted the way you acted today was because you didn't have your pills,the doctor said that was probably a side effect from not taking them." I said to him which made all of us really teary eyed. "That means so much to me, I love you guys and I promise that I won't keep anything like this from you guys again." Corbyn replied giving all of us one more big group hug.


Kind of low-key proud of this one 😂❤️

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