Zach- Amnesia (requested)

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Memories,something that's supposed to last a lifetime. They can make you happy,Sad,embarrassed, anxious or nervous. But memories are memories. And how could such a normal day turn to an unforgettable one?


Zach's POV:

Today Corbyn and I are supposed to go to this space convention thing. To be totally honest,I'm not excited. I mean who wants to walk around for hours and listen to dumb speeches about things I can't even fully understand! But I'm doing it for Corbyn since he was supposed to go with Christina but she had to cancel because something came up in NYC.

"Let's go, we can't be late!" Corbyn yells excitedly. He was jumping up and down like someone that just picked up 100 bucks off the street.

"Ok ok, calm down I'm coming." I Said as I took my backpack out of the car. We just had to circle around the parking lot for like 15 minutes to find a spot! Who knew it would be this packed.

We started to walking to the entry lines to get in and I can barely keep up with him! Who knows what's it gonna be like once we get in. Oh why couldn't Christina come! I say to myself.

We finally got in line and it looked like we have a long line to wait on. There were like 30 people ahead of us and security is taking forever.

I decided to take out my phone and look at some edits that the fans made us and replied to some tweets.

I keep on looking at my phone and take small steps forward until I see that we reached the beginning of the line. I put my backpack onto the table for security to check. I walk through the metal detectors and when I see that I'm good I let out a sigh of relief. I don't know why I get so nervous going through those things but I just do.

The security guy hands me my bag and we were good to go. We start waking around,well I actually get dragged around by Corbyn, just going to random places in the convention. I wasn't really paying attention to what Corbyn was saying but I just kept nodding my head making it look like I was interested.

Finally we end up in a room where there are chairs. Apparently there was some speech that was supposed to start but all I heard was "I can use my phone while we sit down and I can relax."

I started scrolling through Instagram and liking edits while some guy was on stage saying who knows what. I felt a small tug on my shirt an look up to see Corbyn.

"Dude, please put your phone away and have some respect." Corbyn whispers to me. Ugh,I hate this place I just wanna be anywhere else!

I put my head down not caring what looks we started getting from others. Corbyn and I were literally the only teens in this place.

I felt another tug on my sleeve and I knew what was about to happen. I looked up and rolled my eyes making it clear that I'm bored.

"Bro, please just try and listen it's actually pretty interesting." He begged me. I just silently turn my head to the guy and back at Corbyn hoping that he'll just take me home.

"Please" he mouthed giving me puppy dog eyes. Wow can't believe he really just did that. I mouthed back an 'ok'.

When another painful 45 minutes went by I could not be happier to get up and leave. I jumped up so fast and practically ran out but I felt my body take a hard fall and everything went black.

Corbyn's POV:

The speech was sadly over but I knew Zach couldn't wait to get out of here. I saw him jump up so fast and started running out but he tripped over someone foot and hit the ground with a loud thud.

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