Zach & Jonah-haunted (requested)

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Ghosts,mummies,vampires all mysterious things that no one knows what's true and not. Do you believe in these things? Well, Jonah is definitely one too in fact him and his younger band member Zach. They are known as the 'Ghost hunters' yet there to afraid to even go into a 'haunted' house. All the other boys make fun of them constantly about their beliefs but hey, you never know what's possible.


Jonah POV:

Today the boys and I are going away for a little 'get away'. Jack said he has a friend with a lake house in the Catskills. It was a six hour tiring flight,so it better be worth it.

"Guys look at this view!" Corbyn exclaimed from the balcony. "Whoa,Corbyn get a pic of me." Daniel said handing the camera to corbyn.

While the two boys were doing a mini 'photo shoot' outside Zach,Jack and I continued to unpack our bags. "Hey,Do you think this place could be haunted." Zach said the word 'haunted' in his 'spooky' voice.

"Hahah nice joke Zach. Ghost don't exist idiot."Jack said laughing. Zach and I do believe in these types of things. Don't think we're dumb but what does really happen after life? Duh they turn into ghosts! It makes so much sense, right?

"Not funny Jack. You know how Zach and I feel about these things." I told him.
"Fine, you two believe what you want but I'm going on a hike with Daniel and Corbyn so are you coming or are the Catskills also haunted?" Jack made fun of us. He even put air quoted around 'haunted'. How rude!

"Hikes are a big no no for me. Who wants to walk up a ton of hills just for a pic and then walk down again." Zach complained. "Okay then, Jo you up for it?" Jack asked me. "Nah I think I'm actually gonna stay behind with Zach. We can't trust him on his own." I said whispering the last part. "Alright I guess we'll be back soon. Don't go looking for any 'ghosts'." Jack said walking out.

"Can't believe that!" I whispered under my breath. "Yeah he thinks it's not real but wait till he gets cursed." Zach agreed angrily.

The rest of the boys were gone so Zach and I decided to watch a movie instead. We were about half way through Beauty and the Beast, which Zach insisted on because of Emma Watson. Then suddenly the TV went black.

"What just happened!" Zach said with a worried crack in his voice. "C-could it b-be-." "Zach don't even say it!" I interrupted him. "The cable probably just went out,don't worry." I Said assuring him even though I wasn't certain.

I get up to go see the problem when suddenly the rest of the lights go out.



"C-could I-it b-be-."

"I-I d-don't k-now."

At this point I was freaking out and on top of it Zach was also freaking out! What was happening? Could it be you know what?!

"J-Jo I wanna g-go home." Zach started to tear. You can tell he was scared just by the sound of his voice. I didn't even have to see his face,which I can't because of the darkness.

"Don't worry Zach. The rest of the boys will be home I don't think it's a ghost. I mean it's Jacks friends house. It can't be haunted,can it?" I started to get a bit more nervous. "Let's call the boys!" Zach started to get frantic.

I quickly pull out my phone and go to the first contact I see,Corbyn. I put the phone up to my ear and wait to hear another voice.

"He's not answering." I say after 1 minutes of waiting. "I don't think they have service there." I assumed.


"What was that!" Zach flinched. "I-it's a g-gho-."


I got cut off by the noise again. "AHHHHHH." We both scream and run as fast as possible to the nearest bedroom. "I-I'm s-scared Jo!" Zach held onto me.




Another 3 times we heard it! What could it be?Zach and I are currently sitting in the corner of the room holding onto each other for dear life. "It sounds like someone's breaking glasses or plates." I guessed. "B-but w-who?" Zach said his voice full of terror.

"I-I don't know." I answered back my voice getting higher and my body trembling.

We sat like this for about another 10 minutes when the power suddenly came back on. Zach screamed at the sudden change. "Calm down. It was probably just a power outage." I Said even trying to convince myself at this point.

"J-jo its a g-ghost." Zach said shaking uncontrollably from fear. "I-I think your r-right." I agreed. "W-What! Y-your suppose to tell m-me I'm a-wrong." Zach said crying from the fear and all of the sudden a cooler temperature in the room.

"I'm afraid your right Z." I tried to comfort him but I was terrified on my own. "W-why is it so c-cold." Zach asked now shivering.

I got up very carefully and made a run to the thermostat. 60°F. How could it be this cold? It was literally just 75°F. And we didn't even change it! I hope it's not what I think it is.

"Hey jo." I heard a deep raspy unfamiliar voice. I felt a hand touch me but was terrified to look. I felt my body shake before a hand went over my mouth and that's when I screamed.

I hear laughing. But not of the voice I just heard but, Daniel? I turn around to find not just Daniel but Corbyn and Jack also cracking up on the floor. "Jo! You just screamed like a girl!" Daniel laughed.

"W-What happened?" Zach came out confused. "We just bought this voice changer thingy and came back here and scared the life out of Jonah." Corbyn laughed. "Not cool." I rolled my eyes at the childish behavior.

"So you never went on a hike instead you guys were just fooling around with us and shutting all the lights and making the weird noises?" I Said even more annoyed.

All of the sudden they stopped laughing and got up. "We didn't do any of that." Jack told us looking even more confused then us. "Haha. So funny give it up. That wasn't cool." I said sarcastically. "Okay believe what you want maybe ghost are real." Daniel shrugged.

*3 days later*

"Thanks again bro, it was really fun staying here." Jack hugged his friend. "No problem. Come back any time. But you didn't see anything weird right?" He asked looking suspicious. WHAT THE HELL?! The boys and I all gave each other the creepiest glance and drove away. Far away.

Hope you like it.😀

This was a bit different to write but I hope this was good enough.🙃

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