Corbyn- Cancer (requested)

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"Cancer." A word nobody in this world ever wants to hear,especially when it's to you. Corbyn wasn't feeling well for about 2 weeks. He decided it was time to go to the doctor,after looking at corbyn for only about 10 minutes the doctor decided to send him to the hospital to get tested. Corbyn was confused at first but he went, what does 'tested' mean,for what? Today he was finally getting the test results. Corbyn sat on the exam table waiting for the doors to open.


Corbyn POV:

I sat there. So nervous I feel the sweat on my forehead dripping and my hands shaking. I could feel the air in the room,it isn't good news.

I flinched as I saw the door open up and walking in a doctor with 2 nurses, they gave my a sympathetic look and sat down.

The doctor started to speak. "Corbyn were very sorry to say this, but you have been diagnosed with cancer, stage 1." The doctor took a break to let Me comprehend what had just happened.

This can't be true!
Will I die?

I felt the tears pour down faster as I put my hand in my eyes. This is too hard,how could something like this happen to me? How will the boys react,wait?! I can't tell the boys there going to kick me out of the band! Nooo! All things that I though about.

The doctor started to speak again. "Your very lucky though because were not keeping you in the hospital, you have stage 1 so hopefully we can treat it with some chemo therapy." He finished up saying.

"W-will I loose my h-hair?" I asked hesitantly. "Yes,but don't worry about that hopefully once your cured it will grow back." I nodded as more tears fell down my face, not because of the hair,but because of the boys, how will I tell them? I won't.

*2 weeks later*

It's been about 2 sessions of chemo and I'm exhausted,cold and of course my hair started to fall out. I've been wearing beanies now so nobody sees and because I'm always cold. I lost a lot of weight too,I don't eat as much anymore because now I'm always nauseous or dizzy.

The doctors have been telling me my cancer is getting better,but I don't know how much longer I can keep it from the boys. Luckily we had gotten off tour right before I was diagnosed so there's no other tour for awhile which gives me relief. We've been having some off time than studio time here and there,but nothing crazy.

Yet,this week our manager said that he wants us in the studio everyday. I don't know how I'm going to pull in off now but I gotta try.

Jonah POV:

I have been seeing something off with one of the boys,Corbyn, he's been quite distant. He would come in to the studio and just sit down away from anyone and not really talk. He's always wearing a bunch of layers of clothing on him. Like a sweater,jacket and then long sleeves under that,indoors,in LA! Like what!
He's also been loosing some weight which isn't good considering he's already a stick.

I decided enough was enough after he had thrown up in the garbage out of nowhere after getting back from who knows where. The boys and I decided to sit him down and talk with him.

Corbyns POV:

I got back from my 3rd round of chemo and the doctors said they have seen a LOT of progress but I still have to continue. At point most of my hair has fallen out. I was feeling really dizzy and nauseous after this this round,but dumb me decided I should still hurry back to the studio. Not even 15 minutes after I had gotten back I had thrown up in the garbage out of nowhere.

The boys all came to me and sat me down on the couch hugging me tightly. Jonah was very concerned and put his arm around me the whole time while I explained everything.

"I have cancer, stage 1, I've been doing chemo for the last 3 weeks and they said I have really improved, but they have to continue the treatment. I d-didn't t-tell y-you Guys b-because I-thought you would k-kick m-me o-out." I said taking off my beanie and sobbing by the last few words.

I looked around the room to see shocked expressions on everyone's face. Daniel just looked blankly into space. Zach was starting tear up. Jacks head was down staring at the floor. And Jonah,was giving me the tightest and most comforting hug. All that of what seemed like hours lasted seconds. Everyone stood up and gave me a big hug.

"Corbyn we would NEVER kick you out,we love you." Daniel told me bending down to meet my eyes. "We care about you so much,we never want you to be afraid to tell us anything. We're always there for each other bean." Jack told me rubbing my back. "We love you and always will." Zach the youngest told me wiping the tears off my face,even though I should wipe his tears off his face. "Corbyn, everything will be okay,I know it will." Jonah told me bringing me closer to him.

*3 weeks later*-sorry for skipping so much.😬

3rd POV:

Today corbyn was going for his 6th and last round of chemo. He was cured! He was not going alone though. He had his 4 best friends along the side of him throughout the rest of his journey of cancer.Today was the day they had all been waiting for,his last round of chemo. The boys had taken care of corbyn so well, they had taken a break from social media and of course had to tell their fans why. Which was just about harder than telling the boys as they saw a bunch of limelight's posting sad edits and posting themselves crying about the devastating news,but when they told them about the amazing news, that corbyn was cured  they had never seen so many smiles.
Out of all of them Corbyns was the most precious when leaving that hospital.


Hope you enjoyed 😜

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