Jonah-Its my responsibility since Im the oldest

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Being the oldest in any situation can be hard. Whether you're the oldest in your family or the oldest in the room at that time, you feel like you have a responsibility to keep up with. Like if anything goes wrong it's your job to make it right and lead the situation. Well that's how Jonah felt since he was the oldest of the band. But soon he will learn the consequences of not asking for help.


The boys had been on tour for about 6 weeks now. They all shared a double decker tour bus, so I guess it's clear to say that the boys were all very close with one another.

Each one specifically had a special relationship with Jonah,the oldest member of the band.

They would all come to him to have private talks such as their dating life,dealing with hate or even when they feel out of place,like they are going through some problems mentally.

But all that work can pile up on one person. It's like Jonah has 4 kids to look after as if he was a single parent and he also had to deal with his own issues.

Jonah's POV:

I frowned as I continued texting Tate,my girlfriend. We were currently going through a rough stage in our relationship. It made sense I guess. We haven't spend time together in 8 or so weeks!

(Just wanted to say I have nothing against Tate! I love her and Jonah together!! #Jatum❤️)

She's been busy in college for 2 weeks before I left for tour and once she was done with exams she still wasn't able to come visit me due to us being in a different city just about everyday and even if she did come we wouldn't be able to have normal alone time with all the promo and shows and of course me sharing a bus with 4 other boys.

"Jonah can we talk?" Daniel walked into the back lounge.

I was debating whether I should continue to text Tatum now or if it can wait till later because it looked like Daniel had something serious on his mind.

So I quickly texted Tatum that I had to go and gave my full attention to Daniel.

"Sure. What's wrong? Everything Okay?" I ask him trying to sense if he was hurting.

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about this girl I've been talking too." Daniel answers.

Can't believe I just stopped MY dating life for his,but I guess it seems pretty serious since he has to talk to me about it.

"Do basically this girl named Maddie I've been talking to really wants to come out to see us when were in Florida next, but I was wondering if you think Jon would let me take her on the tour for the following 3 days after." He explained.

"Well you know Jon has pretty strict rules about bringing a girls on tour but if you want I can give it a shot at asking for you." I offered.

"WOW! Thanks Jo!" Daniel says really excited. He does a little dance then leaves jumping around the bus.

Just as I was about to text Tate back though Jack walked in hunched over and face planted himself into the couch then groaning after.

"What." I say in a sarcastic tone knowing Jacks probably being overly dramatic.

"My head and throat hurt." Jack wines stretching out the "T" at the end.

I sigh as I put my hand on his head and feel a slight fever. "Do you wanna go take a shower then go to sleep or relax?" I ask him not really having any other solutions. He nods his head and leaves the lounge to shower.

I was about to get back to my girlfriend AGAIN but was interrupted AGAIN but this time it was our manager, Jon.

"Jonah I need you to record your part of the song in the other lounge." Hs informs me. I reluctantly get up,this was about to be the 4th time I record this because the other times I guess just weren't perfect.

Why don't we imagines-Mostly sickfics Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang