Jack/Jachary-cuddle buddy

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Daniel woke up from what felt like the best nap he has ever taken. He usually felt horrible after a nap. He felt sticky and gross and he always felt even more tired after a nap. But this time felt different. He felt refreshed and awake and just like he's gotten a full 18 hours of sleep even though it was only at most a 30 minute nap.

But from the bunk across was Jack. Who was wide awake and still couldn't even close his eyes. The reasoning? He doesn't know. From one moment to the next he could feel like he is ready to sleep for days but the second he actually gets a chance to sleep,he can't.

It been happened a lot recently. Could it be from touring? But how? Usually if it's jet lag he gets even more tired. Not the opposite.

After 20 more minutes of laying in his bunk staring at the ceiling he decided to just get up and go see what's up in the lounge.

When he walked in he felt jealous by the sight.

Zach was all cuddled up with a warm fuzzy blanket and his mouth right under it. He had small strands of hair that fell perfectly on his face and his soft brown eyes closed looking like he was in a deep calming sleep.

"Hey." Jonah said startling Jack out of his trance. "Looks like someone was staring." Jonah smirked knowing about Jacks little crush. Jack rolled his eyes and sat down of the couch that was still available.

"So how'd you sleep?" Jonah asked sitting down with his freshly made coffee,probably his 3rd of the day.

"Actually I didn't. I don't know lately I'm not able to fall asleep. At random moments I feel like I could just pass out because I'm so tired,but the second I get into bed I can barely close my eyes." Jack explained his situation to the eldest of the band.

Jonah thought for a moment, taking a sip of his hot coffee.

"Are you stressed about something?" Jonah asked him. Jack shook his head. I mean yes he was on tour so life wasn't so relaxed but it's not like he was constantly thinking about things that stressed him out or made him anxious.

"Maybe you just need to try to calm yourself more before you go to sleep. Like listing to a meditation video or some calming music. Maybe your body just needs to learn to relax even though you might not feel stressed." Jonah suggested.

But before Jack could respond Zach started to wake up.

"Good morning sunshine." Jack said in a sarcastic tone.

"Mmm" Zach stretched out his whole body. Wow he looked like he had a good sleep,Jack thought,wishing he could have the same.

Zach finally revealed his light brown eyes after yawning and cuddling into his blanket more. 

Jack could not comprehend how cute Zach was acting and Jonah definitely realized that.

"Jack why don't you try cuddling with Zach? Maybe it can help you sleep better if you have someone with you." Jonah chuckled but Jack just rolled his eyes again.

"Come here." Zach's tired and raspy voice said. Jack and Jonah both turned their heads,surprised that the youngest was paying attention ,usually Zach just spaces out for 10 minutes after he wakes up.

Zach started to make grabby hands for Jack. Jonah tapped Jack on the back to go lay down with him. After Jonah left the room so he can let them cuddle in peace,Jack got up and lifted the blanket a little and almost awed when Zach shivered slightly from the cold air.

Jack put his arms around the young boy instantly feeling more tired. He felt as if he can close his eyes right then and there,which he did.

But sadly it didn't last long. Jack felt wide wake one moment to the next. Zach sensed Jack awake.

"Just try to sleep..." Zach's voice was trailing off due to him already being half asleep.

"But I can't." Jack said ready to just give up. But Zach turned his body more so he was now facing into Jacks warm hoodie. He cuddled himself more into him trying to make Jack more relaxed. Which worked.

Jack instantly felt safer and brought Zach closer to his body and put his face in Zach's lightly curled hair.

He finally felt at peace in what felt like forever.

"I love you Jack." Zach said with his voice muffled,still faced into Jacks hoodie.

"I love you too." Jack finally drifted off.


Sorry this was really short! Not my best work but I wanted to try and make a fluffy chapter since my last couple were pretty sad and serious.

Hope you enjoyed!💙

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