Jachary-Allergic reaction (requested)

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Jack had this feeling in him that he didn't want to believe. He was gay. In fact he was in love with his bandmate,Zachary. He was ashamed for it and tried to convince himself that he wasn't. He dated girl after girl yet non of them made him feel the way Zach did.


Jacks POV:

"Come on babe, we spent enough time with your band. We don't need to be with them 24/7." My girlfriend Gabbie of 6 months  barked at me.

"But we're not. There like my brothers what do you expect?" I tried to argue back. Gabbie just rolled her eyes and stomped out of the bedroom. Ugh, I really can't take it anymore. At first I finally thought I found someone who can take my mind off of well....Zach but the truth is, I don't know if I'll ever find someone like Zach. He's so kind,sweet,generous and not to mention HOT! There's just no one that will ever be better.

I sigh and face plant into the bed just not knowing what to do. Maybe I can finally man up and ask Zach on a date and just except the fact that I'm gay. But wait! Everyone will hate me what am I thinking there all gonna kick me out of the band and my parents will just disown me! I can't do that.

That's when a idea popped into my head. I'll take Zach on a secret date and see how I really feel about him. I'll just tell him about this cool new park or something and ask him to come with me. It will be perfect.

Zach's POV:

I was sitting on the stool by the marble counter top that covered the kitchen island eating my cereal when a angry Gabbie stomped down the stairs. I never did like that bitch.

"Hey Gabbie,what's up?" I asked cracking a fake smile just to be nice. Truth was that I only pretend to be nice because Jack is dating her. And to be completely honest anyone Jack dates I don't really like, I kinda feel....jealous?

But Gabbie I just,really dislike. Not because I'm jealous but because she doesn't treat Jack right at all! I've seen her curse him out, force him to buy her stuff, force him to go on dates with her and always tells him to post pictures of them together just for fame and I'm sick of it!

"Well, jack isn't  spending much time with me and stuff. And I asked him to but he's refusing! Ugh,why am I still going out with him!" She complained snapping me out of my thoughts. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. We both know that she is probably just jealous that jack hangs out with all of us.

"Whatever I'm leaving. Can't stand to be here anymore.Toodles!" She said then left and of course slamming the door behind her. Wow. I really can't stand her anymore.

I turn back to my now soggy cereal and sigh. Why do I waste my energy or time talking to her? I then hear footsteps coming from the staircase and smile seeing Jack walking down.

"Hey Zach." He greeted me before taking a seat right next to me. "Um I was wondering if you would like to come with me to this new park I heard about, it's  supposed to be beautiful. It has the prettiest flowers and suppose to have a sick view at sunset." He continued.

"Sure I'd love to come. How about around 6 pm? " I asked

"Perfect." He answered back with a bright beautiful smile of his that is just so contagious that I have to smile back.
We end up staring for about 15 more seconds until I broke it.

"So well...um what was with Gabbie?" I quickly switch the subject.

"Oh just the norm,she pretty much blew up on me and stormed out." He said looking down.

"Isn't this like the 3rd time this week?" I ask.

"Tell be about it. Honestly I think It's time to break up with her." He laughed soon I laughed along.

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